Sunday, January 26, 2020
Big five personality inventory with academic success
Big five personality inventory with academic success Many validation studies have been performed to test the validity of the Big 5 personality inventory with academic success and performance as well as which personality is predictor of good grades. In particular studies have found that contentiousness and openness especially correlated with academic performance. This essay will examine and evaluate the usefulness of the big 5 personality inventory and will be discussing its validity and implications. Conscientiousness personality traits lead students to be organised, disciplined and motivated to succeed. This in turn has a positive effect on their ability to study and on their effort and commitment they put into their work (Maltby et al 2007 p.387) a trait referring to individuals level of dutifulness, achievement striving and organization. Bratko, Chamorro-Premuzic Saks (2006) also have documented and argued that the Importance of Conscientiousness in educational settings is self-explanatory: Being organized, disciplined and motivate d to succeed has no doubt beneficial effects on students study habits, affecting their level of effort and commitment with the course (Bratko, Chamorro-Premuzic Saks 2006). Research indicates that the Big Five Traits (Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness, Conscientiousness and Agreeableness) reflect core aspects of humans personality and have strong influences on behaviour (Costa McCrae 1992 in Komarraju Karau 2005). Conscientiousness has consistently and positively predicted examination performance as well as grade point average and academic success. Openness is positively related to final grades with high scorers using learning strategies that emphasize critical thinking. Neuroticism is related to reduced- academic performance. Agreeableness is positively associated with grades. Entwistle and Entwistle (1970 in ibid) found that stable introverts using good study methods achieved higher performance than extroverts or emotionally unstable students, whereas Furnham and Medhurst (19 95 in ibid) showed a significant positive correlation between sociability and performance in a seminar class (Komarraju Karau 2005). Paunonen Nicol (2001 in Durham 2004) found the Big Five traits among the significant predictors of grade point average (GPA) in a population of college students. Similarly, Lounsbury, Loveland, Sundstorm Gibson (2003 in Durham 2004) found that Big Five traits significantly predicted cumulative GPA among adolescents in high school and middle school. Lounsbury et al (2003 in Durham 2004) found that the Big Five constructs of conscientiousness, openness and agreeableness were positively related to course grades and grade point average. Durham (2004) therefore argues that these results suggest that students who are more open to new learning, discovery and exploration, higher on self control. More orderly, higher of achievement striving and lower on anxiety, impulsivity, hostility, and vulnerability will have higher GPA. Durham (2004) furthers his argume nt by saying that students who sit in the front of the class (conscientiousness) prepare their assignments (conscientiousness), follow the directions given (agreeableness) and ask questions (openness) and usually better students; high levels of openness, conscientiousness and agreeableness and low levels of neuroticism are an ideal combination (Durham, 2004) Hypothesis The hypothesis of this literature review is that Big 5 personality traits of Openness, contentiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism are significantly related to academic performance and predicting grades. There have been many studies documented which have investigated the relationship of the five personality traits namely, openness, contentiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism with academic achievement. For example, in studying the relationship between the big five personality traits and academic performance, Komarraju Karau (2005) developed the following specific hypotheses. First, as Neuroticism is characterized by emotional distress and poor impulse control (Komarraju Karau 2005), Komarraju Karau (2005) expected students high in Neuroticism to have difficulty in coping with academic challenges and dealing with setbacks. There, Komarraju Karau (2005) predicted that Neuroticism would be positively related with the academic motivation factors of debilitating anxiety, withdrawing, disliking school, and discouraged about school. Extraverted individuals are warm, socially-oriented, and assertive (Komarraju Karau 2005). Agreeable individuals tend to be trusting and co operative, and may be receptive to collaborative learning (Komarraju Karau 2005). Therefore, Komarraju Karau (2005) predicted that Extraversion and Agreeableness would both be positively related with approval and affiliating motives. Komarraju Karau (2005) argue that because assertiveness is an element of Extraversion they predicted that Extraversion would be related with influencing motives. Individuals high in Openness seek novel experiences, are intellectually curious, and may be more receptive to novel educational experiences Komarraju Karau (2005). The researchers therefore predicted that Openness would be positively related with thinking and desire for self improvement. Finally, conscientious individuals are generally organized, disciplined, and hard working, and have been found to achieve greater academic success (Komarraju Karau 2005). Therefore, the researchers predicted that Conscientiousness would be positively related with persisting, achieving, and desire for self- improvement. Komarraju Karau (2005) found that avoidance was positively related with both Neuroticism and Extraversion, and was negatively related with both Conscientiousness and Openness, with Neuroticism explaining the most variance. Komarraju Karau (2005) argue that these results may suggest that neurotic students tend to avoid many aspects of academic life and view education as a means to an end rather than an intrinsically fulfilling enterprise. Similarly, Komarraju Karau (2005) argue that extraverts may be more concerned with social aspects of college life. In contrast, conscientious and open students are less likely to be avoidant in their motivation. Komarraju Karau (2005) found that students with higher levels of Openness and Extraversion were more engaged in learning, with Openness explaining the most variance. Komarraju Karau (2005) further their argument by saying this suggests that students who are sociable and enjoy exposure to new ideas are likely to be engaged i n the educational experience and may benefit from discussion and interactive learning. Finally, Komarraju Karau (2005) found that students who were more conscientious, neurotic, and open to experience scored higher on achievement with Conscientiousness explaining the most variance. Komarraju Karau (2005) argue that these results suggest that students who are responsible and intellectually curious may be more achievement oriented, hard-working, and competitive. Komarraju Karau (2005) noted that neuroticism was related with achievement, and this relation between Neuroticism and achievement may be because of compulsive preparation Komarraju Karau (2005). Correlation of subjective responses and objective assessment and confirmation of the validity of conscientiousness trait with relation to academic achievement Discussion section There may be narrower personality traits that could add to the incremental validity of the Big 5 inventory with relation to academic success and predicting grades for example. Lounsbury, Sundstorm, Loveland Gibson (2003) investigated and examined the narrow traits in addition to the Big Five in predicting academic success among adolescents. Lounsbury et al (2003) investigated individual grade point average (GPA) and scores from the Adolescent Personal Style Inventory among 220 seventh-graders and 290 tenth-graders, including agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, extraversion, and openness, plus four narrow traits, aggression, optimism, tough-mindedness, and work drive. Lounsbury et al (2003) found that all traits correlated significantly (P The validity and reliability of the NEO PIR in terms applicability: discussing the issue for the professional development of the teacher in schools and also for the positive feedback and educational development of the child, analysing the practicality of the learning style Personality tests that are to predict academic achievement and success are not only for the professional development of the teacher, lecturer but also for the personal and educational development of the student or pupil at school or university. These personality tests therefore they need to be such that the teacher and student can interact with them for the teacher to perhaps to alter his or her teaching style and approach and more so for the student to be aware of his or her subjective and predominate learning style and how these are contributing to many cognitive aspects such as information processing, retention of information, memory or indeed knowledge acquisition. Research has testified that from the NEO PIR the trait that is predominately applicable is conscientiousness as we have seen, although the other four have also contributory effects for academic achievement, however the practicality of using it may still be questionable because if the trait of conscientiousness is the p redictor of academic success then will it be easy for the student to develop these traits within him. How easy will it be for the teachers to aid and support the students in developing a conscientiousness personality is questionable. An easier way for both the student to understand for his or her own academic development and also for the teacher to support the student may be through the education of personal learning styles. Learning styles in particular is a model which pinpoints and highlights the cognitive abilities necessary for learning, which is a cognitive process. The tools of learning style can enable the student to completely understand which styles may aid him or her and according to that style of learning, the teacher will be able to help and support the student developing a interactional system between the teacher and the student in an academic environment and discussing cognitive variables in relation to learning styles rather than broad personality traits which maybe far difficult to generalize towards the students learning process. Therefore learning style approach and assessment may not only be a cognitive and academic achievement predictor most importantly on the basis of individual differences but this will enable both the teacher and student to interact with them for the professional development of the teacher and for the academic and cognitive development of learner. A well known and documented approach to learning is presented by Kolb (1984 in Maltby 2007) in which he discusses the learning processes such as concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization and active experimentation. Other than the Big Five traits of conscientiousness, openness, agreeableness, extraversion and neuroticism, there are other traits or, motivation related traits as argued by Lounsbury (2003 in Durham 2004) which can add incremental and predictive validity to the NEO personality inventory in the domains of education success. For example, Lounsbury (2003) found that traits such as aggression, optimism tough mindedness and work drive can not only significantly correlate with grade point average but moreover add incremental validity to the existing NEO Five. (Durham, 2004) In line with Lounsbury (2003) Durham (2004) is also for the inclusion of the factors of aggression, optimism and tough mindedness. Durham (2004) argues that these traits of optimism, aggression and tough mindedness could be better predictors of academic performance and grade point average. Optimism, Durham (2004) argues is a tendency to maintain positive expectations about the future and Prola and Stern (1984 in Durham 2004) found positive correlations between optimism and grade point average. Optimism is an important assessment because it influences task-orientated behaviours (Durham 2004). With regards to conscientiousness there will a consensus that it is correlated with academic achievement and performance through Meta analysis and self and other assessed approaches, however with regards to openness, although it has been acknowledged that it refers to academic intelligence, agreeableness, neuroticism, extraversion there is far lesser consensus how it refers and relates to academic achievement. For example Bratko, Chamorro-Premuzic Saks (2006) have found that some argue that high neuroticism is detrimental for academic performance on school examinations but others suggests that higher levels of worry and perfectionism that characterize neurotic individuals may lead to better and higher performance. The trait of extraversion is also debated with academic achievement as some have argued of negative correlation and other have argued of positive correlation (Bratko et al 2006). Bratko et al (2006) also argue that alternative explanations indicate in the direction of deve lopmental changes in the ability-extraversion correlation, such that brighter individuals become more introverted over time. Some traits of the BIG 5 such as extraversion, conscientiousness and openness which all relate to motivation, striving and academic self fulfilment have been correlated with certain measures but have not been correlated with other measures such as the IQ tests. Psychologists have argues that the NEO Big 5 personality inventory predominately reflects a persons motivation and in particular motivation to self actualise in academic domains but does not take into consideration specific academic cognitive abilities which is predominately related and correlated with academic success and achievement. For example, Ones Schmidt Viswesvaran 1993 (in Gagner Pere 2001) have established no correlation between motivational factors and IQ ability for academic progress. The psychologists argue that the tests such as the NEO PIR which may measure or take into consideration the motivation factor of conscientiousness and disregard cognitive abilities may not be highly valid in predicting achievement in comparison to higher validity and reliability of cognitive and IQ measures of predicting achievement, and the results obtained from an IQ test maybe useful for the professional development of the teacher with relation developing cognitive constructs of the child such as numeracy but also important for the development of the learner to know which areas in academia need to be concentrated upon. Gagner Pere (2001) assessed the unique contribution of motivation to academic achievement. Over 200 high school students completed two IQ tests and three motivation and conscientiousness related measures twice during a semester. The results revealed that IQ and motivation were not correlated; cognitive abilities were by far the best predictor of school achievement. The psychologists argue that these results question the belief of most educators about the crucial role of motivation as a determinant of scholastic achievement these findings may in invite the educators to not only consider moti vation and conscientiousness as an important factor of achievement but to also concentrate on the cognitive abilities of the learner and ways to enhance them perhaps by working with the learning style of the learner considering the VAK (the visual, auditory or kinaesthetic individual differences) and modifying educational resources to support all types of learners and by working within the unique learning style of the individual with the belief that by working within the cognitive framework of the individual this will improve the cognitive performance and abilities of the learner such as problem solving, information processing, logical and rational thinking which will enhance the IQ and therefore academic achievement. Komarraju Karau (2005) also acknowledge that students who are taught in a way that matches their learning style and ability are likely to achieve at higher levels. In light of the findings that there are less or no correlations of motivational factors such as conscien tiousness with academic progress Bratko et al (2006) argue that empirically, evidence is mixed with some studies indicating personality has incremental validity over ability in the prediction of academic progress but others showing it doesnt (Bratko et al 2006). Bratko et al (2006) also argue that personality inventories such as the NEO PIR use self ratings of traits. Whilst Bratko et al (2006) acknowledge and argue that most investigators have used self report personality inventories and academic progress as they are convenient and because they believe that people have a unique perspective of their own experiences and history of behaviour, however Bratko et al (2006) also maintain that self ratings can be inaccurate because people may present themselves in an unrealistically positive light or their position of an actor can bias their perception of their own consistent personality attributes other-rating data can be less susceptible to distortions caused by defensiveness and self-pr esentational strategies (Bratko et al 2006). As studies have shown that peer-ratings consistently show a substantial correlation with self rating data and their validity widely demonstrated (Bratko et al 2006), Bratko et al (2006) suggest that adding to peer-rating to self-rating can enhance the incremental validity of personality tests such as the NEO PIR further. Although some studies did not find a link between motivation and academic achievement some other studies did. For example Komarraju Karau (2005) investigated the relationship between personality characteristics and academic motivation. Their research examined the link between the Big Five personality traits and individual differences in college students academic motivation. Students were asked to complete the NEO Five Factor Inventory and the Academic Motivations inventory and the facets of both the academic motivations inventory and NEO big Five were correlated together which supports their academic motivation hypothesi s and its importance with success (Komarraju Karau 2005). This study not only indicated the importance of administering tests to examine academic motivations with relation to individual differences but also confirms the validity and reliability of the NEO Big Five. Personality or intelligence tests: independence of personality tests from intelligence: understanding the correlations of ability intelligence tests and personality tests Although studies have testified to the theory that measure of intelligence is valid and reliable for prediction of academic achievement some other studies have discovered the importance of personality tests independently from intelligence which adds to the validity and reliability of personality testing in relation to academic performance and achievement. For example Bratko et al (2006) analysed the relationship of self and other-assessed personality with school grades in 255 pupils. Conscientiousness was the strongest personality correlate of school grades for both self and peer-ratings. That is, the scores of self-rating and peer-rating for conscientiousness significantly correlated. It was interesting to discover that grades were negatively correlated with self assessed extraversion and emotional stability (neuroticism) and positively correlated with peer-ratings of autonomy. When cognitive ability was partialled out correlations between personality and school grades showed little change indicating that the effects of personality on academic performance was independent of intelligence. The investigators not only argue of the independence of personality to academic performance and therefore stressing its validity in domains of education but also argue that self ratings had only marginal incremental validity (3%) over peer-ratings in predicting school grades while incremental validity of peer-over self -rating was larger (9%). Therefore this study supports the notion that testing personality in domains of education and academic performance is indeed valid. In this study the self-rated assessment or rating compared to the peer-rated (observer) assessment and rating is thought provoking because there was a difference in both ratings and their correlations significances. In the study of Bratko et al (2006) noted that the relationship between. In the study Bratko et al (2006) found that the predictive power of conscientiousness increased substantially when assesse d by peer ratings as opposed to self-rating and there Bratko et (2006) argue that this suggests that socially desirable responding may undermine that validity of self rated conscientiousness. Their results also indicated that combining measures of conscientiousness with intelligence are likely to be advantageous when it comes to predicting academic progress (Bratko et al 2006). Bratko et al also argue that students may also want to look conscientious and autonomous in the eyes of personality tests and therefore Bratko et al (2006) recommend that investigators include social desirability alongside both peer and self-ratings of personality to explore determinants of success and failure (Bratko et al 2006). Another way to avoid distortion and therefore validity in applied educational settings is for participants to respond anonymously possibly by mail as argued by Schinka (1997). Schinka (1997) suggests that these techniques of anonymity will minimize conscious motivation to distort pe rsonality profiles. Psychologists studied how the Big Five personality traits may relate to individual differences in academic motivation. Alongside the achievement and academic success, motivation is very important to reach academic success and this area also needs to be considered for students. Komarraju Karau (2005) also reflect upon an interesting meta-analysis in support of the personality tests such as the NEO PIR for academic performance and success as well as for convergent and predictive validity. For example, Komarraju Karau (2005) argue that Ackerman and Heggestad (1997 in Komarraju Karau 2005) found some modest relationships between personality and intellectual ability measures. In their study Openness was positively related to intellectual ability, whereas Neuroticism was negatively related to intellectual ability. Komarraju Karau (2005) argue that these investigators concluded that intellectual abilities, interests and personality are interrelated and that intellectual ability level an d personality traits determine success. The validity of personality tests and their application in academic prediction of ethnic and culturally different students Durham (2004) acknowledges that studies have established differences in the scores between African American Students and White students on personality measures, as well as in the educational domains including. Ethnic students bring their values and in particular ethnic values to the learning environment. Therefore, when assessing personality and correlating with grade point average it is important to consider and acknowledge different cultural and racial differences which may affect an individuals learning style and development (Durham 2004). Therefore, generalising the significances of the results on populations this issue also needs to be considered thoroughly. Durham (2004) argues if there are differences in the personality traits scores of black and white students the applicability of these assessments to ethnic populations in doubt. Using the MMPI may be appropriate for use with ethnic and racial students The validity and reliability of the NEO-PIR or Big Five inventory and its applicability across races and cultures Worrell Cross (2004) investigated the reliability and validity of Big Five Inventory scores in a sample of African American college students as performed on the Big Five Inventory. The investigators discovered that reliable measures could be developed from the Adjective Q -sort and that there are no perceived predictive validity differences between White and Black students using the NEO PIR (Worrell Cross 2004) The use of other measures especially the inclusion and applicability of the Assessment of Academic Self concept and motivation (AASM) Assessment of Academic Self concept and motivation was developed according to the motivational systems theory. The uniqueness of this assessment is that it postulates that motivation is the patterns of gaols, emotions and personal agency beliefs (self -concept) which is consistent with the socio-cognitive theory of personality development proposed by Albert Bandura. Durham (2004) argues that this model and assessment four aspects of self concept- ability, environmental responsiveness, control and value or importance it also assess four dimensions of the education environment: cognitive, social extracurricular and personal (Durham, 2004) validation studies have been performed by Rouse Cashin (2000 in Durham 2004) and have found support for this assessment as well. Durham (2004) argues of the advantages of this measure with ethnic clients because it measures internal locus of control and the motivation aspect can measure academic success. With regards to values and race and cultural d ifferences, John (1989 in Goldberg 1998) examined judges classifications of the 300 terms in the Adjective Check list into the Big Five Categories to examine its validity and argues that traditional values and individuation/ autonomy adjectives closely related to the persons self -concept and cultural determinants may lie outside the Big Five. Goldberg (1998) argues that other personality factors that are not included inside the Big Five are religiousness, sexuality, introspectiveness, maturity, gender roles thrift and suppression and repression (Goldberg 1998). As there lays other aspects beyond the Big Five it would be interesting to see these influences for academic achievement as well. Paunonen Jackson (2000) had also investigated into the NEO PIR and the Big Five traits and after a thorough investigation and analysis they found that a) Religious, devout, reverent b) sly, deceptive manipulative c) honest, ethical moral d) conservative, traditional, down-to-earth e) egotistical, conceited, snobbish and f) thrill seeking behaviours were independent from the Big Five Factors as they did not correlate. This finding is important to establish the internal consistency validity and what differences it would make if these traits are also examined along with cultural values as discussed to evaluate the impact it has on education success and achievement because these traits such as masculinity-femininity, religiosity, are also determinants of human behaviour and also academic motivation. These recommendations will improve the internal consistency of the NEO PIR personality assessment as argued by Paunonen Jackson (2000)
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Bacteria and Acidic End Products
Title of the Experiment: Enterobacteriaceae Identification: The Enterotube II System Learning Objectives: After completing this exercise we were able to inoculate an unknown bacterium that belongs to the Enterobacteriaceae by using technology effectively with a Enterotube II. An Enterotube II is a miniaturized multi-test system for rapid identification of enterbacteriaceae. We then evaluated the test results and generated a five-digit code for the unknown bacterium.Thinking creatively and critically we had to fgure out the code by looking at the Enterotube and comparing he reactants to the original to see what the result was. We then had to use the five- digit code to correctly identify the unknown bacterium from the interpretation guide. Procedure: Step 1 : Remove organisms from a well-isolated colony. Avoid touching the agar with the wire. Step 2: Inoculate each compartment by first twisting the wire and then withdrawing it all the way out through the 12 compartments using a turnin g movement.Step 3: Reinsert the wire (without sterilizing), using a turning motion through all the 12 compartments until the notch on the wire is aligned with the opening of the tube. Step 4: Break the wire at the notch by bending. The portion of the wire remaining in the tube maintains anaerobic conditions essential for true fermentation. Step 5: Punch holes with broken-off part wire through the thin plastic covering over depressions on sides of the last eight compartments. Replace caps and incubate at 35 degrees C for 18-24 hours.Step 6: After encircling the numbers of the positive tests on the laboratory report, total up the numbers of each bracketed series to determine the five-digit code number. Refer to the Enterotube II Interpretation Guide for identification of the unknown by using the code number Results: Before inoculation of the Enterotube II showing the original colors of each test which was also used to compare with the inoculated enterotube. After the inoculation of th e Enterotube, many of the colors have changed which means they have reacted with the antibiotic.The reactants then helped me find out what the unkown bacterium is. Each color changed or reacted gives a certain digit Summary & Conclusions: Enterotube II identifies Enterobacteriaceae. The Enterotube II is a multiple test system designed to identify enteric bacteria based on Glucose, Adonitol, Lactose, Arabinose, Sorbitol, Dulcitol fermentation, lysine and Decarboxylation, Sulfur reduction, Indole, Acetoin production of glucose fermentation, Phenylalanine deamination, Urea hydrolysis, and Citrate utilization.Adonitol Bacterial fermentation of adonitol, which results in the formation of acidic end products, is indicated by a change in color of the indicator present in the medium from red (alkaline) to yellow (acidic). Any sign of yellow should be inter preted as a positive reaction, orange should be considered negative. Lactose Bacterial fermentation of lactose, which results in the for mation of acidic end roducts, is indicated by a change in color of the Indicator present in the medium from red (alkaline) to yellow (acidic).Any sign of yellow should be interpreted as a positive reaction; orange should be considered negative. Arabinose Bacterial fermentation of arabinose, which results in the formation of acidic end products, is indicated by a change in color from red (alkaline) to yellow (acidic). Any sign of yellow should be interpreted as a positive reaction; orange should be considered negative. Sorbitol Bacterial fermentation of sorbitol, which results in the formation of acidic nd products, is indicated by a change in color from red (alkaline) to yellow (acidic).Any sign of yellow should be interpreted as a positive reaction; orange should be considered negative. Voges-Proskauer Acetylmethylcarbinol (acetoin) is an inter mediate in the production of butylene glycol from glucose fer mentation. The presence of acetoin is indicated by the develop ment of a red color within 20 minutes. Most positive reactions are evident within 10 minutes. Phenylalanine Deaminase This test detects the formation of pyruvic acid from the deamination of phenylalanine. The pyruvic acid formed reacts with a ferric salt in the medium to roduce a characteristic black to smoky gray color.Urea The production of urease by some bacteria hydrolyzes urea in this medium to produce ammonia, which causes a shift in pH from yellow (acidic) to reddish-purple (alkaline). This test is strongly positive for Proteus in 6 hours and weakly positive for Klebsiella and some Enterobaeter species in 24 hours. Citrate Organisms that are able to utilize the citrate in this medium as their sole source of carbon produce alkaline metabo lites that change the color of the indicator from green (acidic) to deep blue (alkaline). Any degree of blue should be considered positive.After looking at the results of the Enterotube I came to conclusion that my unkown bacteria gave me the five-digit co de 34363 which translated to Klebsiella pneumonia bacterium that can form a capsule. It is found in the normal flora of GI tracts in humans. K. pneumoniae can become pathogenic in patients whose immune systems are compromised. K. pneumoniae can cause nosocomial urinary tract infections and pneumonia. In immunocompromised patients, death is possible. For a personto get the K. pneumoniae bacteria, they have to have direct contact with another person. K. pneumoniae is not able to be contacted through the air.Healthcare workers can help to decrease the spread of K. pneumoniae by washing their hands before and after taking care of a patient. It was established that the Enterotube system provides a simple, reliable, and rapid method for the probable identification of Enterobacteriaceae. The major advantage of the Enterotube is that all tests are done simultaneously by inoculation from a single isolated colony. It is also easier to inoculate, single inoculation, self- contained, numerous t ests, little media preparation, rapid results, reliability, uniformity, simple interpretation.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Linear B Archives and the Mycenaean World
What part do the Linear B archives make to understanding the Mycenaean universe in regard of one of the followers: societal administration, cult patterns, stock genteelness and agribusiness, warfare, bronze working? The Linear B archives provide us with the earliest primary grounds about Mycenaean palatial civilizations [ 1 ] and an alone penetration into the nature of Mycenaean warfare. The archives consist of about five 1000s clay records [ 2 ] and contain information on armor, arms, chariots, naval warfare and subordinate inside informations about possible military personnels. The importance of these paperss is greatly enhanced by the complete deficiency of historical histories [ 3 ] from this epoch, and besides the fact that about all of the ideographs used in the archives are devoted to armor, arms, Equus caballuss and chariots [ 4 ] agencies that they are of intrinsic value to the apprehension of warfare in the Mycenaean universe. However, there are restrictions with the Linear B archives, peculiarly in footings of their chronological scope, stock list manner and possibly bias representation of the importance of warfare under normal fortunes. It is besides of import to see what other finds have made critical parts to our apprehension of Mycenaean warfare, such as the castles themselves, lasting arms and representations of war or armor in art. Since all of the tablets come from the palatial Centres, one of their most of import parts is that they tell us straight about the economic systems of the castles and that their chief focusââ¬â¢ were ââ¬Ëmilitary preparednessââ¬â¢ [ 5 ] , defensive schemes and the wealth to back up these things. The Linear B archives record information about the production, renovation and besides the distribution [ 6 ] of many different types of military equipment. It is possible to construe from the archives, that the Mycenaeanââ¬â¢s used a really centralized system to garner and organize military equipment and that this was based around the chief palatial composite. Evidence for this can be seen in a tablet from Pylos which lists 16 different topographic points that were responsible for providing an sum of bronze in the signifier of caputs for pointers and lances [ 7 ] . The tablets besides straight show the extent that these castles were concerned with holding a to the full equipped fo rce [ 8 ] , this is chiefly due to the sheer figure of mentions to armor and arms throughout the archives. The many tablets picturing armor are particularly utile when seeking to understand Mycenaean warfare. Tablets at Tiryns [ 9 ] , Pylos and Knossos all record suits of armor and supply us with grounds for the usage of armor across a wider scope of palatial Centres than archeological discoveries would propose. At Pylos the tablets mention at least 20 suits of armor with the ideographs for a cuirass and a helmet, and at Dendra there are at least one hundred and 40 suits recorded in the chariot tablet [ 10 ] . The ideograms themselves are of great value because organize them you can see the manner and type of armor which is really similar to the suit which was discovered at Dendra and those described by Homer [ 11 ] . Not merely do the archives provide grounds for the usage of armor they besides give us some indicant of the value of the armor itself. In some tablets the ideograph for armor is replaced with one for a bronze metal bar [ 12 ] , this could be interpreted as a representative of the value of the armor or possibly as an approximative measure of stuff used to do the armor itself. A farther part made by the archives is the being of an illustration on the contrary of a tablet. The drawing shows a adult male have oning cracklings and pulling his blade, and was likely the work of a Scribe while he was waiting to do his recordings [ 13 ] . This is peculiarly interesting as it allows us to see the influence that warfare may hold had on a member of Mycenaean society who chose to chalk out this scene and its shows the arm and armor which was associated with a soldier. Weapons are an indispensable portion of warfare and were a major resource recorded in the tablets. The importance of arms to the Mycenaeanââ¬â¢s can be clearly seen in a tablet from Pylos which records a measure of recycled bronze by the figure of pointer or spearheads it would be able to do [ 14 ] . The tablets besides contribute to our cognition of which stuffs were being used to fabricate arms, for illustration we can state that most arms were being made from bronze because articles of Fe were ne'er mentioned in the tablets [ 15 ] . The usage of ideographs to picture arms allows us to partially see how the arms would be used ; thrusting lances, throwing javelins, slings and bows are all shown in the tablets [ 16 ] . The ideographs are besides utile because it is possible to compare types of blades or stickers by looking at what is different between each separate ideograph. In the Linear B archives there have been big Numberss of tablets devoted to chariots or their furnishings. Many of these parts have unsmooth terrain so this is frequently seen as peculiarly surprising. One illustration is the part around Knossos, which was, and still is, particularly cragged and the lone manner to utilize a chariot would be to convey it to the beach or to the fields some distance off [ 17 ] . Records associating to chariots include ; a tablet from Pylos naming one hundred and fifty one chariot wheels [ 18 ] , and the Knossos tablets having several hundred chariots and trim parts [ 19 ] along with single stock lists which record a name, chariot, Equus caballuss and a suit of armour [ 20 ] . However, of peculiar involvement in footings of chariots are a few texts from Knossos and Pylos. The first, from Knossos, records the distribution of defensive armor to each of the chariot crew [ 21 ] . The texts from Pylos, which were found in the Northeast Workshop, list leather points that relate to chariots, some illustrations are reigns, hackamores, espousals and saddlebags [ 22 ] . These groups of tablets provide us with information that non merely supports the other Linear B grounds, but besides archeological discoveries every bit good. The archives have far more limited information in footings of naval warfare. At Pylos there are some ill-defined mentions to over six 100 ââ¬Ërowersââ¬â¢ [ 23 ] , and lists of coastal colonies [ 24 ] , when considered together, these could be interpreted as naval administration or defensive readyings. A farther of import add-on to our cognition of naval warfare is the pulling found on the contrary of a tablet in Pylos, its shows an image of a ship. The image is non merely comparable to an ideograph used on a tablet from Knossos, but it besides resembles the ships used non by the Mycenaeans but the Minoans [ 25 ] . One could reason that there were possible convergences in the manner of ships used from the Minoan period into the Mycenaean epoch. The parts made by Linear B are undeniable, but on the other manus it is besides critical to see the disadvantages that these archives have. The records themselves were non intended to be long permanent [ 26 ] as they were merely preserved by opportunity. They are in a manner comparable to the modern post-it note: a disposable, inexpensive and movable manner of entering informations. The endurance of the tablets is besides wholly random [ 27 ] , which means that we are frequently left with disconnected subjects and it impossible to state how complete the archives we have are. The archives are besides merely based on a certain group of palatial Centres and so there is a possibility that there were some differences bing between these and others [ 28 ] . Therefore intending that utilizing the archives to acquire a image of the full Mycenaean universe is non dependable. A farther job with the tablets is the possibility that there are inaccurate. For illustration, those found in the ââ¬ËRoom of the Chariot tabletsââ¬â¢ , have been interpreted, by some, to be scribal exercisings and non echt records, the ground for this reading is that they were all written by different custodies in the same characteristic manner [ 29 ] . If this was the instance so much of our grounds for chariots would no longer be valid and the statement for their usage in cragged countries would be far weaker. The archives besides have immense chronological restrictions in footings of their scope as they are either limited to the last twelvemonth or so before the devastation of the castles, or they are random dateless old ages [ 30 ] . The maximal scope of the archives has been dated to between 14 hundred and twelve hundred BC, and each of the paperss merely refers to the current twelvemonth [ 31 ] . This makes it highly hard to determine information sing tendencies or forms across the whole of the Mycenaean epoch. It is besides of import to take into consideration that these records represent what can merely be seen as a period of agitation for the Mycenaean civilizations. The twelvemonth before the devastation of the castles would hold likely been far more militaristic than ordinary twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours life. In the tablets we see illustrations of particular commissariats made for this clip of warfare, one such illustration was Bronze Smiths being excused from holding to pay revenue enhancement because they were so busy doing arms [ 32 ] . The tablets from Pylos include records of parts of gold [ 33 ] and specific weights of bronze [ 34 ] from local functionaries ; it could be possible that this was to finance the war attempt. These records may so be giving us imbalanced position of the precedences of the Mycenaeans, and that possibly under less pressing times there is a much smaller focal point on warfare. Since the Linear archives are about wholly made up of stock lists [ 35 ] , it is exceptionally hard to understand either how objects were used or the nature of warfare itself in the Mycenaean universe. This is peculiarly important when you consider that none of the paperss record the being of an existent ground forces [ 36 ] . It seems apparent that although the archives provide us with a great sum of information, they do hold their restrictions. In order to to the full understand Mycenaean warfare it is besides necessary to see the archeological grounds that we have available. For illustration, the castles themselves show grounds of a demand for strong defense mechanisms. The edifice works which took topographic point before their devastation are a clear indicant of readying for besiegings and onslaughts ; in peculiar the debut of H2O supplies [ 37 ] that would let those inside the walls to last, even under a long term besieging. Furthermore the parts in footings weaponry from the archives are much more valuable to us when we use it aboard existent lasting arms and armor. One of the most of import finds was the Dendra armor, a full bronze corselet and neckpiece [ 38 ] which is made from a figure of single sheets of bronze [ 39 ] . Armours of this type were recorded in tablets at both Knossos and Pylos [ 40 ] and the armour type can be clearly recognised by the ideograms themselves. We can besides utilize comparings between archeological grounds and the tablets to follow different types of blade, and by making so it is possible to see some possible alterations in military patterns [ 41 ] . Since the archives consist largely of stock lists it is utile to see these points as represented by the Mycenaeans, in peculiar through art, which gives us the chance to see word pictures of chariots, arms and armor in usage. One such illustration of this is the ââ¬ËSilver Siege Ryhtonââ¬â¢ from Shaft Grave four, which depicts an onslaught on a walled colony [ 42 ] . What is peculiarly interesting is that this is a seaborne onslaught and so could associate to the tablets naming coastal colonies from Pylos ; it besides shows an bowman [ 43 ] which supports information on arms. Another vas which provides utile information is the ââ¬ËWarrior Vaseââ¬â¢ from Mycenae, this shows six work forces processing on each side of the vase. The work forces all wear white spotted, horned helmets, and carry lances and shields. They wear cracklings, abruptly fringed skirts and corselets [ 44 ] . The subject of processing soldiers is besides seen on the ââ¬ËPainted Grave Stelaeââ¬â¢ from Mycenae [ 45 ] . It is possible so to acquire some thought of how the equipment of a soldier would be put together and to see that warfare had a large influence on Mycenaean art. The usage of Sus scrofas tusk helmets is far more emphatic through art than in the archives, for illustration ; in the fresco from Akrotiri which is dated to about 16 hundred BC [ 46 ] , and on a carven tusk alleviation from the house North of the ââ¬ËOil Merchantsââ¬â¢ which shows a Mycenaean warrior have oning a Sus scrofas tusk helmet. These illustrations are important because they represent the demand to see the Linear B tablets every bit merely one portion of the image, and non as a exclusive subscriber to our apprehension of Mycenaean warfare. In decision,
Thursday, January 2, 2020
The Great Gatsby and Glengarry Glen Ross - 1116 Words
The American dream, this is what draws the most people to move to America, whether it be legally or illegally. Everyone wants a piece of this dream. To people who look at America this dream means the perfect life. This is one of the similarities concerning the American dream in both The Great Gatsby and Glengarry Glen Ross. Both of these literary works have the American dream as a fundamental theme throughout. The ideas shared in both of these works range from success and freedom to self-creation and failure. These works portray these ideas in two different lights. However, are the ideas that they show truly so different? Success is defined as an accomplishment of an act or purpose. The title character of The Great Gatsby, Jay Gatsby,â⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Ironically soon after Gatsby makes this statement is when he sees how much he has failed to secure his future with Daisy. Another character that experiences failure in The Great Gatsby is Nick Carraway. Nick gets into a rel ationship with a professional golfer. The relationship goes well up until Nick realizes that she does not truly care for him, nor had she truly cared for anyone. Not only do these characters experience failure, these failures ultimately cause them to go through the process of self-creation. Gatsby experiences the most self-creation in The Great Gatsby. Gatsby used to be known as James Gatz, a poor soldier who came from the poorest part of town. After the war Gatsby tried to study at Oxford but did not stay for that long. From the time that Gatsby dropped out of Oxford to the time he was killed Gatsby decided to create a new James Gatz. Gatsby decided to participate in organized crime, most specifically bootlegging, to become rich. Gatsbyââ¬â¢s plan worked so well that no one saw any indication of his previous life until Nick meets Gatsbyââ¬â¢s father, then the truth comes out. Ever since Gatsby was a child he had wanted to improve himself, this is shown when Gatsby drops out o f college because he cannot stand to be working as a janitor to pay his tuition. This is the same sort of self-creation that Blake from Glengarry Glen Ross goes through. While the play or movie for that matter, neverShow MoreRelatedModern Us Drama Midterm Paper2508 Words à |à 11 PagesDrama Midterm Paper March 30, 2015 Fucked: Glengarry Glen Ross in 1984, 1992, 2005 and 2012. The year is 1984. Ronald Reagan has just been re-elected by a landslide, including many votes from disaffected liberals. Yuppie culture fuels a high consumption economy. Tom Brokaw is now sole anchor of NBCââ¬â¢s Nightly News. Michael Jackson dominates the Grammys. McDonaldââ¬â¢s debuts the McNugget. And Glengarry Glen Ross opens on Broadway. Because Glengarry Glen Ross is so inherently American, itââ¬â¢s hard to believe
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