Saturday, August 31, 2019

Is There a Valid Test of Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory? Essay

Department of Behaviour in Organisations, University of Lancaster; on study ieavefrom the Department of Psychology, University of Melbourne There are several ways of stating Herzberg’s two-factor theory of motivation and each version can be tested in various ways. Those who defend the theory argue that researchers who fail to find support for the theory have usually departed from the procedures used by Herzberg. There have been variations in methods of gathering data, categorizing the responses, and analysing the results. These variations may be justified on the grounds that the strength of any theory lies in its logic and in its ability to withstand deviations from a set method. Some tests of Herzberg’s theory are more likely to produce support than others. This was confirmed in a study of London bus crews. However it can be argued that there is more than one valid test of Herzberg’s two-factor theory, though some of these are likely to produce contradictory res ults. The Herzberg theory, or two-factor theory of motivation or Motivator-Hygiene (M-H) theory, has given rise to a mass of investigations and experiments in industry and in many different types of organizations. Results do not always support Herzberg; in fact, only about one in three do so. Donald Hebb once said that when it is a question of survival, theories are like women—fecundity is more important than purity. M-H theory has certainly been very fertile—more so perhaps than any other theory in applied social psychology. Many industrial psychologists have not only survived but indeed thrived on the theory. The fecundity of the theory is not in doubt but its purity certainly is highly suspect. WHAT IS THE THEORY? The theory is in two parts, each of which can be stated in several ways. Part 1 says that job factors can be separated into two quite distinct sets: the first set consists of factors which contribute to job satisfaction and rarely if at all to job dissatisfaction; these factors are called ‘Motivators’. The second set consists of job factors which contribute to job  dissatisfaction and rarely if at all to job satisfaction; these are the ‘Hygienes’. Consequently job satisfaction and dissatisfaction are separate dimensions and not the two ends of a single dimension. This is a flat contradiction of the traditional view in psychology that satisfaction and dissatisfaction constitute a single dimension. The first difficulty with the theory in practice is that the data usually include a proportion of responses which do not fit this pattern. Some Motivators contribute to dissatisfaction while some Hygienes contribute to satisfaction. Within-factors reversals are far from rare and sometimes outnumber responses in the expected direction. These incongruent responses are attributed to sampling error, which of course is begging the question—rejecting inconvenient data in order to save the theory. The analysis then takes the form of a relative comparison—for Motivators we   predict more satisfaction than dissatisfaction, and for Hygienes we predict more dissatisfaction than satisfaction and test for significance accordingly. What investigators fail to point out is that in doing this they are really reformulating the theory to fit their facts. The revised theory now says, in effect, that Motivators contribute more to satisfaction than to dissatisfaction while Hygienes contribute more to dissatisfaction than satisfaction. This is reasonable but it makes nonsense of the claim that satisfaction and dissatisfaction are separate dimensions. In fact it supports the traditional view of the single continuum; different job factors produce ranges of satisfaction-dissatisfaction which are to be found at different positions on the same continuum. Part 2 of the theory is also in two parts. First: paying more attention to Motivators (intrinsic job satisfaction or higher order needs) will increase satisfaction but will not affect any dissatisfaction with the job; or, alternatively, improving Motivators will improve organizational efficiency as shown by higher productivity, better quality, better attendance and punctuality, lower labour turnover†¦ in short, by improved performance. Second: paying more  attention to Hygiene factors (extrinsic job satisfaction or lower order needs) will decrease dissatisfaction but will not increase overall satisfaction; or alternatively, there will be no improvement in performance—on the contrary, taking costs into account there will be a lowered organizational efficiency because improving Hygienes will cost the organization more money. Notice that for each part of Part 2, i.e. as regards both Motivators and Hygienes, there are alternative predictions. Increase of satisfaction or decrease of dissatisfaction are both theoretically trivial extensions of Part 1 of the theory; trivial in that they say no more than is already contained in that model. To be fair to the M-H practitioners they do not rest their case on this alternative; they are concerned only with the effects on performance and organizational efficiency. Job satisfaction is either a by-product or a step towards better efficiency. This may tell us something about the value system in which they operate but it in no way detracts from the validity of this method of testing their theory. One problem must now be faced. Does Part 2 of the theory depend on Part 1? According to House & Wigdor (1967, p.385) if the satisfaction-dissatisfaction dichotomy is false then Part 2 is ‘highly suspect’. I would argue that if Part 1 is false then Part 2 is irrelevant or must be argued on other grounds. If and only if Part 1 is true, then Part 2 can be tested using the concepts established by Part 1. Another serious difficulty for testing the validity of the theory is the fact that both parts stand on two legs. In Part 1, one leg identifies Motivators while the other identifies Hygienes; in Part 2 one leg predicts the effects of increasing the potency of Motivators while the other leg deals with changes in Hygienes. Does the theory claim that each part can stand on one leg at a time? If one investigator confirms the Motivator leg but not the Hygiene leg, does Part 1 of the theory stand or fall? And if another investigator follows with the opposite result, confirming Hygienes but not Motivators, does this increase or diminish our confidence in the theory? Similarly for Part 2 of the theory. In any case, testing the effect of putting more weight on the Motivators is a dubious procedure if this is the only change. The effects are not really surprising. The relative ineffectiveness of spending resources on Hygienes, which is what the theory also predicts, may surprise industrial welfare advocates but not cynical managers. In general terms, statements describing the theory are superficially similar and do not differ greatly from the way set out above. For instance: Whitsett & Winslow (1967, p.393) in explaining M-H theory say ‘dissatisfaction and those factors that contribute to dissatisfaction are separate and distinct from those factors that contribute to satisfaction. Satisfaction is not opposite from dissatisfaction for they operate on separate continua†¦ This is different from traditional thinking†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ As regards Part 2, House & Wigdor (1967, p.371) say ‘The second major hypothesis of the dual-factor theory of motivation is that the satisfiers are effective in motivating the individual to superior performance and effort, but the dissatisfiers are not’. Later they add (p.373) ‘If the dual-factor theory were correct, we should expect highly satisfied people to be highly motivated and to produce more’ which as they point out does not square with the evid ence. But though general statements are similar, precise statements, if made at all, are usually inconsistent or at variance with each other. Sometimes there is no argument—an author assumes that his understanding of the theory is the same as that of others. Or the research design indicates an underlying interpretation of the theory which may be similar to or quite different from that of another study which the author is supporting or refuting; but authors seem to be unaware of this. Arguments about what the theory says may be unspoken and have to be inferred. However, sometimes interpretations of the theory are set out in a way that makes possible comparisons with other interpretations. For example. House & Wigdor (1967) include a rank order of importance for the Motivators and for the Hygienes as part of the theory. This reflects the infiuence of Maslow upon Herzberg and may be a reasonable interpretation of Herzberg’s intention. On the whole it seems an unnecessary refinement that makes for extra complications when testing validity. Whitsett & Winslow (1967) accuse Burke (1966) of ‘A unique misinterpretation of the M-H theory . . . since M-H theory makes no claim that there should be  any fixed order of importance among either motivator or hygiene factors’ (p.41O). As it happens Burke makes no such claim either. Is overall job satisfaction part of the theory? Not according to Whitsett & Winslow (1967) who say: ‘One of the most common and persistent misinterpretations of the Motivation-Hygiene (M-H) theory is the attempt to use measures of overall job satisfaction to make statements purporting to be derived from the theory. The theory does not, and purposely does not, make statements about overall job satisfaction’ (p.395). In stating that job attitudes must be looked at twice (p.396) they are emphasizing Herzberg’s procedure of conducting separate sets of interviews for good critical incidents at work (revealing satisfaction and hence Motivators) and for bad critical incidents (revealing dissatisfaction and hence Hygienes). Perhaps the most systematic attempt to sort out what the theory really says was made by King (1970) who identified five distinct versions of Part 1 of the theory. Some versions are stronger than others because they entail them. King is not always sure that Herzberg was aware of these versions or which of them Herzberg was claiming to support. King classifies the evidence according to whether it is irrelevant or relevant to these theories, and then subdivides the relevant studies into those which support and those which refute any of thesefivetheories. Table 1 sets out King’s five distinct versions of Herzberg’s two-factor theory.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Mozart: Symphony #33 in B Flat, Allegro Assai Analysis

E- Essay II Mozart: Symphony #33 In B Flat, K 319 – 1. Allegro Assai Form Analysis – Sonata Form (Time)::(Form)::(2 or 3 reasons for placing division here) EXPOSITION 0. 00::Theme 1::MELODY: Light, simple, sequencing and repetition; TEXTURE: light to suddenly heavy; DYNAMICS: Contrast from piano to Subito forte; HARMONY: Major with short minor excerpts 1:35::Bridge:: MELODY: Modulates, very short; TEXTURE:: Continues to go from light to heavy 2:05::Theme II::MELODY: New darker melody; TEXTURE: Thicker texture, more action; HARMONY: Minor and moves to Major; 2:19::CADENCE: Ends in a V to I CadenceDEVELOPMENT 2:29::Development: MELODY: Playful, thematic development of T1, passed around the orchestra; TEXTURE: Light, gradually gets thicker and very heavy; HARMONY; Major, modulates constantly in instrumental sections 3:28::CADENCE: V to I: End in Development melody 1†² RECAPITULATION :44::Theme 1::MELODY: Repeat of Theme 1; TEXTURE: Almost identical to beginning HARMON Y: Major with short Minor Excerpts 5:16::Bridge::MELODY: Repeat of Bride 1; TEXTURE: Light to Heavy contrast 5:47::Theme II::Melody: Repeat of Theme II; TEXTURE: Continues to go from Light to Heavy 5:57::Closing Theme: MELODY: New Material Based on end of Theme II; Texture Similar Textures with contrast from light to heavy ending in light 6:22:: Final Cadenza Ending in a Major key transition from V to IThis Piece by Mozart is one of 41 that he wrote and is a Prime example of typical Sonata Form. I thought this was interesting when I found out how â€Å"correct† this piece was in following the form because of Mozart's Background. Knowing of his childish innovative nature I would have predicted a slight distancing from the normal form. But aspects within the piece such as the bridge constantly being traded between parts and modulating helps show Mozart's struggle with himself and his employers.Mozart's dedication to his music is what kept him going but restrained him at the sam e time, for he knew of his talents. This can be seen with the constant sudden switching between light and peaceful melodies to sudden heavy and almost forceful textures of the same melody. This really can let one see the internal struggle he had between his music and the outside world, and both the peace and stress it caused him.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Economics Paper Essay

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the total number of goods and services produced in an economy in a given year. Measured in monetary terms, it reflects the general output of an economy per given period of time. The so-called â€Å"price basket index† (the average price levels for all goods and services in an economy) is the standard maeasure of GDP (the base year is arbitrary). GDP, however, is a standard measure itself. It is used to measure business cycles. Business cycles are generally fluctuations of aggregate production schedules per given period of time (usually monthly). Several theorists attempted to formalize the theory behind business cycles to no avail. Explanatory variables offered by these theorists were either insignificant or in contradiction with accepted economic principles. In any case, the ratio of GDP to the potential GDP can serve as an indirect measurement of the level of production fluctuation in the economy. If the ratio is close to 1, then the level of business cycle in an economy is also minimal. If the variance is large, then the economy experiences high levels of production fluctuations. In order to remove these fluctuations, actual GDP must equal potential GDP. If an economy achieves potential GDP, then it is Pareto Efficient. Hence, the amount of fluctuations (which characterized inefficiency) is close to zero. The determination of fiscal policies is solely the function of the government. Fiscal policies refer to expenditures a government undertakes to provide goods and services and to the way in which the government finances these expenditures (like taxes and subsidies). In the United States, some of the agencies concerned with setting fiscal policies are as follows: agencies of the federal government like the Defense Department, Trade Department, and the Bureau of Internal Revenue, and agencies of state governments. Generally, fiscal policies can be undertaken by all levels of government. The general functions of these bodies are as follows: 1) Provide goods and services that the market will usually not provide; 2) Provide economic infrastracture that will facilitate the flow of goods and services in an economcy; 3) Increase government spending during times of uncertainty, economic crisis, and recessions; 4) Provide businesses and investors an elaborate system of information in order to reduce transaction costs; 5) And, create incentives schemes in order to encourage increased production (or create an optimal tax system where firms that produce negative externalities would be heavily taxed to reach the social optima). Fiscal policies encourage increased production in two ways. By providing incentive schemes or subsidies to particular industries, the government can expect a long-term increase in the economy’s output. Increasing government expenditure is seen by investors and firms as a sign of expected economic growth (psychological). By increasing government expenditure, the national income increases by a certain amount depending on the government multiplier (note that Y = C + I + G + NX). An increase in G reflects an increase in Y. This induces other participants in an economy to spend more (therefore save less). Increased government spending also has bearing on employment, inflation, and general wage levels. Sustained government spending results to sustained inflation. Employment is ambiguously affected (this depends on the capacity of the economy to create jobs). Wage levels decreases in the long-run because of lower aggregate demand for labor. In many cases, fiscal policies are matched with monetary policies in order to achieve a desirable economic state. However, the use of monetary policies is more complicated. Hence, a separate analysis must be reserved for this topic.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Major project Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Major project - Assignment Example as they are bound to provide tips to the employees on ways to excel within the organization, how to communicate properly with management and ensure positive results as well as how to overcome challenges within the organization and improve performance as well. The function is to be held in a location that is easily accessible by the employees as well as the invited guests. It should be in an intimate location away from the workplace which may provide an intense atmosphere hence hindering positive results from the function. Employees who are the main participants of the function should feel comfortable enough to ask questions that will enable them advance their career and improve their performance and communication. The location should be strategic so that people do not have to worry about traffic hence hurrying up the event. After the location has been identified, the next step is to secure the location for the function and start preparation of mapping of the area. Mapping in this case means partitioning of the location into different places according to the goals of the function. An area for the booths should be mapped. The area should not be open to minimize interruptions during sessions with employees and guests. Also on the map should be refreshment locations placed strategically all over the location for easy access. A place for the podium for the debriefing and addressing the beginning of the meeting should be mapped as well as the areas for tables and chairs. Team leaders and managers have a big role in the career development function and hence should be briefed about the progress and preparations. The briefing is important so that they can start making preparations about the people who need to participate in the function. They know the team members and employees under them and hence who will benefit more (Dahlstrom, 2009). The role of managers is to clear schedules for that particular day for these employees as well as ensure they have representatives

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Climate Change - Maldives Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Climate Change - Maldives - Essay Example The overall impact of rising of the sea level is flooding or even submergence of low-lying coastal areas. Therefore, low lying islands like the Maldives Islands that lie about 8 feet above the sea level are likely to be submerged. This is due to projections that the sea level is likely to rise for about 8 feet over the next century. Climate change will not only threaten the economy, culture and environment of Maldives, but also the existence of the country (Knox, 2009). Therefore, there is need for the country to revise its foreign policy in order to effectively push for global action on climate change. If the government cannot effectively lobby for global action on climate change then the citizens of Maldives are going to lose their country in the next century. According to the projections released by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the average global rise in sea level will be between 0.09m and 0.37m in the coming decades (Radic, 2008). This is likely to either submerge the nation’s beaches or increase beach erosion and bring about higher storm surges that threaten the country’s biodiversity (Dunya, 2015). Loss of biodiversity would put the country’s environment at jeopardy as it will result in extinction of various animal and plant species. Increased depths may hinder growth of coral polyps which will in turn affect fish breeding and the country’s fishing grounds. The loss of the coral reef biodiversity will have a devastating impact on human settlement in Maldives Islands. The rise in sea means that salt water will intrude into f resh water sources in the country which will impact negatively on agriculture and terrestrial ecosystems (WorldBank, 2010). Erosion and submergence of beaches in the Maldives Islands means that the country will no longer receive tourists. This will be the worst economic tragedy to the nation since its economy largely depends on foreign exchange earned from the tourism sector. In

CIR#4 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

CIR#4 - Assignment Example ccurs in an individual and that is associated with present distress or disability or with a significantly increased risk of suffering death, pain, disability, or an important loss of freedom†. (Internet Addiction Disorder Web) This disorder was  first  described  in 1995  by Ivan  Goldberg  (Pickett Web). Rapid and regular looking through sites leads to the fact that the human brain loses its ability to in-depth analytical thinking, transforming regular users of the network into people who are impulsive and incapable for intellectual work. However, disturbances in thinking and memory loss are not only the negative impact of the Internet on person. Plunging into the Internet, people gradually lose skills of real communication, which leads to asocial behavior. The statistics is not joyful. It says that â€Å"1 in 8 Americans suffer from problematic Internet use† (The Center for Internet Addiction Recovery (â€Å"IAD†) Web) and it increases in the Eastern countries, as China, Taiwan, and Korea. Furthermore Stanford University’s research in 2006 showed that â€Å"1/8 of those surveyed had at least one problem due to too much use of the web† (Internet Addiction Statistics Web).   In addition to mental and cognitive disorders internet dependence is dangerous in connection with physical conditions. Spending a lot of time near the screens, we spoil the vision; we cause the Tunnel Syndrome of the wrist. Internet addiction disorder, which is accompanied by a sedentary lifestyle, leads to various diseases of the spine and joints, cardiovascular disease and many other

Monday, August 26, 2019

DHT2 capstone Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

DHT2 capstone - Research Paper Example When blood sugar levels rise, risk of infection increases, and organs can fail. Morbidity and mortality result. Careful glycemic control is crucial to a diabetic’s survival and recovery. Nurses can take the lead in improving the implementation of ICU clinical protocol, and their critical thinking skills are invaluable for determining such protocol (Plost, Nelson, 2007, p 155). What obstacles prevent ICU nurses from full compliance with protocol for glycemic control during the first 48 hours of a diabetic patient’s stay in the ICU, and what steps will raise compliance? A2.Participants The participants in this study are registered nurses with bachelor’s degrees and at least two years of experience in the ICU, and they work together in the ICU of a community hospital. Most work full time, but several are part time. Nurses with less than two years of experience in the ICU are excluded. They range in age from 25 to 59; older nurses have been in the ICU for decades and younger ones seem poised for long careers, as well. Such longevity produces expertise, but also precludes innovation. These nurses come from different nationalities and ethnicities. Although their educational level are similar, their learning styles differ markedly. Also, what motivates each of them has an impact on the implementation of protocol. They have not been involved in developing protocol. The researcher observed a lack of compliance with protocol for glycemic control in the ICU. B1. B . Outline the problem: During the first 48 hours after ICU admittance, patients have poor glycemic control because the policy and protocol for blood glucose monitoring is not followed. In this community hospital, it has been observed the patients’ blood glucose level during the first 48 hours of their admission is high and is not being managed according to the national standard. The main problem is to identify the reasons nurses do not comply with the treatment plan. What causes nurse s to not follow the protocol? And how can we improve the compliance? B3.Causes of the problem Compliance with new legislation costs money. Examining and tracking the quality of care is a financial concern. In facilities with strict budgetary restraints like this one, pressures are enormous to delay or deny compliance. The facilities many not be able to comply in every aspects of patient’s care. This ICU does not have an internal audit nurse which could have been befitted to compliance program. Before something has become a clinical concern, compliance programs are especially ineffective. â€Å" The better trained the staff, the better the quality of care and the more compliant a facility will be (Abell,T,2011)†. All staff members need to respect compliance with regulations, a fact which is not observed in this ICU. Staff nurses are not sure if the protocol and previous training they have received was effective. How was the follow up? Staff is not aware of any. This ICU must ensure qualified educators are performing the training, and the protocol has to take into account the nurses’ level and the needs of the community. Interventions always have to be meaningful which is not observed in this ICU. Another concern nurses feel is that they are very busy in ICU with the acute care needs of the patient; there is not enough time, or not enough staff. Nurses believe

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Materialism and Domination in Ben Jonson's Volpone Research Paper

Materialism and Domination in Ben Jonson's Volpone - Research Paper Example The concept materialism is many times associated with political nature where, agents of politics are seen as materialist. Marxist provided us with knowledge of how the society works and thus, poets and philosophers can predict how the society will behave over time (Friedman, 1974). When you look at Marxist versus historical materialism the idea of a society developing from one stage to another can be seen although such transition is characterized by several conflicts that arise between social relations and productive forces. Marxist believed that a change in ideas could not change the society because dominant ideas that the reformers use to bring change to the society are embedded in material conditions. In the play â€Å"Volpone† various characters portray acts of materialism and dominance among and against each other. In this play, two characters by the name Volpone and Moscow play the servant master relationship, for an individual to employ a servant, he must possess some m aterial things such as money, physical comforts which can be seen by the way a person spends his jewelry, his clothes and behavior around other people. Servants normally would be submissive to their master and follow their masters’ instructions to the letter. ... For example, in the capitalist exploitation of labor is a common phenomenon as portrayed by Marxist. In the play a similar behavior is seen in Volpone, he wants to exploit the likes of Voltore, Corbaccio and Corvino. Because he possesses a significant amount of vast wealth with no heir and he knows that several people would fall prey in his trap in the quest to be named the beneficiary of his wealth or at least be given a portion of the wealth. Volpone thinks that because he owns material wealth he can easily dominate over peoples thoughts. This is evident in the actions of the three characters, Voltore, Corbaccio and Corvino, who bring him gift after gift hoping their generosity to the sick man will be repaid in tenfold. It is so ironic that even though Volpone’s servant has no wealth he is able to manipulate him contrary to his expectation. Mosca plots a lot of schemes for his master and the other three individuals, Voltore, Corvino, and Corbaccio, portraying his desire to d ominate above everyone. The desire for wealth is a common phenomenon in this play, Volpone, Mosca, Corvino Corbaccio and Voltore all desire wealth. In their pursuit to achieve this goal, they seek to outdo each other in the different plots they come up with. Volpone and Mosca seek to cheat the lawyer, the merchant and the old miser who is also on the verge of dying, on the other hand, Mosca is encouraging the three to continue bringing gifts to his master, he does this intentionally because he has a plan that will benefit him. Volpone has a great desire to accumulate as much gold as he can, he says to his servant â€Å"I long to have possession of my new present†, his servant uses

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Evaluation of Design and Administration of a Questionnaire Essay

Evaluation of Design and Administration of a Questionnaire - Essay Example Generally, the working party was disappointed by the results and had a different pattern of response from those at school. Why the Working Party Members Were Disappointed With the Results The working party members were disappointed with the results because the results did not reflect the actual objectives of the survey. Indeed, the survey was only able to satisfy the objective of what the town’s youth did in their leisure time but failed in satisfying the other objectives. Because of the survey or else the responses to address the objectives, the group’s quest to find out what would capture the interest of the youths in Littlebury town and reduce their boredom was not satisfied. The different pattern of response from the working respondents that suggested that their interests were very different from their counterparts at school only proved challenging to the working party members who aimed at certain objectives different from the working respondents. ... This is because the survey was supposed to define in clarity the activities held at the leisure centre that were patronised by young people in line with the objectives. The time, resources spent on the survey did not rally with the results which is also another source of dissapointment by the working party members. Indeed, the results did notv address the interests of the working respondents as well as the the interests of the working party members on this Littlebury Leisure Survey. A table showing which objective(s) addressed by respective questions in the questionnaire Question Number Objective (s) Question 1 To find out what the people in Littlebury town did in their spare time To find out the frequency of using the available leisure centres in Littlebury town Question 2 To compare leisure activities and preferences for different age groups To assertain the gender and age group attending available leisure clubs Question 3 To find out the most popular sporting activity for the peop le of Littlebury town Question 4 To find out the out the most popular club or society activity in Littlebury town Question 5 To find out the most popular leisure activity amongst all age groups Question 6 To establish what leisure activities they would like to have in town To establish additional leisure activities that people in Littlebury town have Question 7 To establish their potential interest in some of the ideas proposed by the working party Question 8 To establish what leisure activities different people would like to have in town Question 9 To compare leisure activities and preferences of different age groups Question 10 To establish the contact of the respondent Additional Questions That

Friday, August 23, 2019

Two 375-word Critical Response Papers to productions Assignment

Two 375-word Critical Response Papers to productions - Assignment Example The play is comparatively small within the physical scope since it was filmed with few actors, frequently indoors even though some of the France’s actors were wonderful chateaus. Moreover, the play is definitely avoids analysing the situations in the later years emanating from the initial prodigious bloody upheaval of the modern age. Although the plays were meant to deliver humour in a satirical manner to the audience, it did little sketches that were constructed in a hurry. Serious reconstruction needed in order to make them appealing the audience in the theatre industry. The moderator of the discussion keeps on talking about the murder of past guest lecturers. The rest of the plot unrolls as expected. The play was shorter and a lot shortcomings particularly failing to deliver the satirical aspect of theatre and academia. Resistance of temptations of the hindsight highlights unimaginative desire to open up the play. The movie Dangerous Liaisons’’ is one of the deadly drawing-room comedies containing infrequent compulsory to diverse various bedchambers. The protagonists dedicate themselves to search sexual liaisons for preference and power they convene on their partners. Thus, the film opens arrangement of desire for the Marquise. The idea of the pleasure mainly persuade into abandoning unsuitable principles. Moreover, seduction is seen to be a commonplace pastime, enhancement regarding the betrayal hence becoming vastly significant. The movie‘Les Liaisons Dangereuses’ is a delight written play the character of typical dimensions hence exposing the game as cruelty rather than the betrayal. The intelligence and strength of the actor is shaped the underlying audience’s response shredding fop but unsatisfactory struggle. Contemporary beauty subdued by the camera strainers depicts happy surprise passionately deceived by Valmont. The prevailing dark distrust mainly resides within its underlying

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Qualitative Methods Essay Example for Free

Qualitative Methods Essay One of the primary goals of qualitative case study research is in bringing clearness and excellence to knowledge obtained thru previously made researches. Case study methods envisage the analysis of limited number of events in certain context at certain time frame in order to track the existing relationships between them and regarding the surroundings. Nowadays, case study research is a popular and widely used method in social science because its ability to examine the real life situations in the frame of existing theories and methods. Robert K. Yin is one of the biggest contributors into the case research study science, he stresses on the importance of bounding the contemporary studies with its real contexts and the great role case study research leads in this deal (Yin, 1994, p. 22). Case study research procedures always generate the large amount of data, that’s why it is necessary to bring it into order, for getting the information sorted on data, category, history, items, etc. Creating the comprehensive a well organized case study database prevents the researcher from losing the main point and value of his research, at the end the analysis of data is simplified and clarified within the systematization used in database. One the main peculiarities in building and maintaining the efficient database are in ability to maintain the relationship between the particular event and the evidence appropriately. At the time, when data can be physically entered and stored in the database with the capability to bring several data at the same time to be stored in the database, there are the procedures, which should be kept orderly and in certain time frame. The list of these procedures includes documents classification, cross referencing and documentation of important evidences and facts. There are six major steps to be performed for getting the substantial and procedural case study research. They include: 1. Determination and identification of research goals and questions; 2. Selection of targeted cases in the terms of research purposes and identification of research techniques to be used; 3. Preparations to data collection, and building the comprehensive database of collected data; 4. Data evaluation and analysis; 5. Reporting Case study report is an expected outcome of research procedures, its quality and comprehensiveness depends on the quality of database the researcher afforded to build. Going thru all the steps required to be performed in order to gain the main goals of case study research, there is a necessity to stress that case study report is a method to structure and order the all research procedures, which predominate at the earliest stages of investigation. There is a direct link between determination of goals and questions and the report quality. The same relevant boundaries are to be mentioned between case study report and research techniques chosen and preparation for database creation. Preparation of report envisages the creation of procedure, which will allow transforming the complex issues into the comprehensive form, which can be understood by the reader and the questions on the particular research case can be set up. In other words case study research is a method to build a bridge between investigators with massive data stores and the reader, who is surfing for some valuable comprehensive study. Case study report maintains the reader’s ability to use the most complex database created by researches in the way, which is clear and efficiently useful for gaining required knowledge on particular case. Technically case study report deliveries a value of all the cases gathered in research study database have been analyzed and communicated in order to browse the pure outcome acceptable by reader in terms of his/her real life situations. There are various ways to represent a case study report including the ability to review the each case in separate modules or chapter or putting the facts chronologically. One of the methods used for accomplishing the qualified case study report includes the usage of representative audience group in order to receive and independent and sufficient opinion on the draft report document. It is easier to write the revisions afterwards. There is a dilemma. Some researches prefer the study participants to have the access to draft document only, the others underline the efficiency of audience group. The relevancy of data gathered in report achieved by the both methods depends on the accuracy of database accomplishment and evaluation and analysis procedure and the personality of researcher. Case study report is a document structured in a way that makes all the information highlighted and combined in accordance with the different cases reviewed. Case study report is a tool for further construction of the account, thus it should contain the most substantial information along with its deep analysis. Technically database should contain all the available information about case study including meetings protocols, various project documentation, interviews data, surveys, etc. The peculiarity of case study database is in its ability to store collected, documented and classified data, which is easy to be generated into required form of case study report. References: 1. Yin R. K. (1994), Case Study Research Design and Methods, 2nd ed. Newbury Park, Sage Publications

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

HVDC Light Technology Essay Example for Free

HVDC Light Technology Essay AbstractThis document reveals theHVDC Light DC transmission technology.It is used in underground transmission and moreover provides point to point transmission.HVDC Light requires only two elements namely a converter station and a pair of ground cables. The new HVDC Light cable is an extruded, single-pole cable. It is ideally suited for feeding power into growing metropolitan areas from a suburban substation. HVDC Light is inherent environmentally friendly cables instead of OH transmission lines. Virtually no magnetic field. The environmental gains would be substantial, since the power supplied via the DC cables will be transmitted from efficient power plants in the main AC grid. 1. INTRODUCTION A hundred years ago, the transformer and a new transmission and distributionbe controlled precisely and independentlycan replace overhead lines at no costcontrol capabilities that are not present oreconomically feasible to connect smallscale,Equally important, HVDC Light hasfor inefficient, polluting local generationfrequency, active and reactive power canislands, mining districts and drillingloads from a main AC-gridof each other. This technology also relieson a new type of underground cable which penalty platforms can be supplied with power frompossible even in the most sophisticated ACrenewable power generation. Renewable power generation plantssuch as diesel units. The voltage, . Connect small scale Feeding remote isolated Flexible transmission System technology, HVDC Light, makes it the main grid,thereby eliminating the needto the main AC grid. Vice versa,using thevery same technology, remote locations asthe three phase system made it possible totransmit AC power efficiently and economically over vast distances and todistributethe power toamultitude ofusers.Since then all aspects of transmission anddistribution have developed by means oftechnical improvement and evolution. This AC transmission and distributiontechnology has made it possible to locategeneratingplants in optimum locations, andtoutilize them efficiently. This has alsoresulted in great environmental gains.Thermal plants have been located wherethey can be supplied with fuel through anefficient transportation system, therebyreducing waste and pollution. Hydro plantshave been located where the hydroresources can be used at the greatestadvantage. And large generating plantshave meant fewer overhead lines than amultitude of smaller generating plantswould have required.However, today’s AC transmission anddistribution systems are, at least inprinciple, based on ideas that haven’tchanged much since a hundred years ago. To transmit power, step up the voltage withtransformers, transmit power, step downthe voltage and distribute power. Despitetheir proven advantages, it is difficult andexpensive to adapt AC transmission anddistribution systems to the numerous smallscalegenerating plants that are being built,or to the increasingly complex and variableproduction and load demands.Environmental concerns and regulationsalso put heavy restrictions on building right-of-ways and on small-scale, fossilfuelledgenerating plants, such as dieselgenerating plants.These new trends require networks that areflexible. The networks must be able to copewith large variations in load and frequentchanges in productions patterns with tougher environmental regulations.Also, in such flexible networks, the powerflow and the voltages require precisecontrol in order to make the grids stable and economic. 2. TECHNOLOGY As its name implies, HVDC Light is a DCtransmission technology. However, it isdifferent from the classic HVDCtechnology used in a large number oftransmission schemes. Classic HVDCtechnology is mostly used for large point-to-point transmissions, often over vastdistances across land or under water. It requires fast communications channelsbetween the two stations, and there mustbe large rotating units generators orsynchronous condensers present in theAC networks at both ends of thetransmission. HVDC Light consists of only two elements: a converter station and a pair ofground cables. The converters are voltagesource converters, VSC’s. The output from the VSCare determined by the controlsystem, which does not require anycommunications links between the differentconverter stations. Also, they don’t need torely on the AC network’s ability to keepthe voltage and frequency stable. Thesefeatures make it possible to connect theconverters to the points bests suited for theAC system as a whole. Power range up to 100 MW Independent control of active and reactive power Can feed power to AC network without ownGeneration DC The converter station is designed for apower range of 1-100 MW and for a DCvoltage in the 10-100 kV range. One suchstation occupies an area of less than 250sq. m. (2 700 sq. ft.), and consists ofjust a few elements: two containers for theconverters and the control system, threesmall AC air-core reactors, a simpleharmonics filter and some cooling fans. 20MW:18x12m The converters are using a set of six valves,two for each phase, equipped with highpowertransistors, IGBT (Insulated GateBipolar Transistor). The valves arecontrolled by a computerized controlsystem by pulse width modulation, PWM.Since the IGBTs can be switched on or off, the output voltages and currents onthe AC side can be controlled precisely.The control system automatically adjuststhe voltage, frequency and flow of activeand reactive power according to the needsof the AC system.The PWM technology has been tried andtested for two decades in switched powersupplies for electronic equipment ascomputers. Due to the new, high powerIGBTs, the PWM technology can now beused for high power applications as electricpower transmission.HVDC Light can be used with regularoverhead transmission lines, but it reachesits full potential when used with a new kindof DC cable. The new HVDC Light cable isan extruded, single-pole cable. As anexample a pair of cables with a conductorof 95 sq mm aluminum can carry a load of30 MW at a DC voltage of +/-100KV.Handling the cable is easy. Despite its large power-carrying capacityit has a specific weight of just over 1 kg/m.Contrary to the case with AC transmission;distance is not the factor that determinesthe line voltage. The only limit is the costof the line losses, which may be lowered bychoosing a cable with a conductor with alarger cross section. Thus, the cost of apair of DC cables is linear with distance. Insulation: 5.5 mm triple extruded Screen: Copper wire Sheath: HDPE Weight: 1.05 kg/m Voltage: 100 kV DC Current: 300 A Power: 30 MW Conductor: 95 mm^2Aluminum A DC cable connection could be more costefficientthan even a medium distance ACoverhead line, or local generating unitssuch as diesel generators.The converter stations can be used indifferent grid configurations. A singlestation can connect a DC load or generatingunit, such as a photo-voltaic power plant,with an AC grid. Two converter stationsand a pair of cables make a point-to pointDC transmission with AC connections ateach end. Three or more converter stationsmake up a DC grid that can be connected toone or more points in the AC grid or todifferent AC grids. An HVDCLight network can be configured radial or meshed,like any network. The DC grids can be radial with multi-dropconverters, meshed or a combination ofboth. In other words, they can beconfigured, changed and expanded in muchthe same way AC grids are. 3. APPLICATIONS 3.1 OVERHEAD LINES In general, it is getting increasingly difficultto build overhead lines. Overhead lineschange the landscape, and the constructionof new lines is often met by public resentment and political resistance. Peopleare often concerned about the possiblehealth hazards of living close to overheadlines. In addition, a right-of-way for a high voltage line occupant valuable land. Theprocess of obtaining permissions forbuilding new overhead lines is alsobecoming time-consuming and expensive.Laying an underground cable is a mucheasier process than building an overheadline. A cable doesn’t change the landscapeand it doesn’t need a wide right-of-way.Cables are rarely met with any publicopposition, and the electromagnetic fieldfrom a DC cable pair is very low, and also astatic field. Usually, the process ofobtaining the rights for laying anunderground cable is much easier, quickerand cheaper than for an overhead line.A pair of HVDC Light cables can beplowed into the ground. Despite their largepower capacity, they can be put in placewith the same equipment as ordinary, AChigh voltage distribution cables. Thus,HVDC Light is ideally suited for feedingpower into growing metropolitan areasfrom a suburban substation. 3.2 REPLACING LOCAL GENERATION Remote locations often need localgeneration if they are situated far awayfrom an AC grid. The distance to the gridmakes it technically or economicallyunfeasible to connect the area to the maingrid. Such remote locations may be islands,mining areas, gas and oil fields or drillingplatforms. Sometimes the local generators use gas turbines, but diesel generators aremuch more common.An HVDC Light cable connection could bea better choice than building a local powerplant based on fossil fuels. Theenvironmental gains would be substantial,since the power supplied via the DC cableswill be transmitted from efficient powerplants in the main AC grid. Also, thepollution and noise produced when thediesel fuel is transported will be completelyeliminated by an HVDC line, as the needfor frequent maintenance of the diesels.Since the cost of building an HVDC Lightline is a linear function of the distance, abreak-even might be reached for as shortdistances as 50- 60 km. HVDC Light lowest cost AC + Overhead line HVDC Light + cable Cost inside AC grid Distance from the AC grid eliminate local diesel Cost/kWh 3.3 CONNECTING POWER GRIDS Renewable power sources are often builtfrom scratch, beginning on a small scaleand gradually expanded. Wind turbine farms is the typical case, but this is alsotrue for photovoltaic power generation.These power sources are usually locatedwhere the conditions are particularlyfavorable, often far away from the mainAC network. At the beginning, such aslowly expanding energy resource cannotsupply a remote community with enoughpower. An HVDC Light link could be anideal solution in such cases.First, the link could supply the communitywith power from the main AC grid,eliminating the need for local generation.The HVDC Light link could also supply thewind turbine farm with reactive power for the generators, and keeping the powerfrequency stable.When the power output from the windgenerators grows as more units are added,they may supply the community with asubstantial share of its power needs. Whenthe output exceeds the needs of theCommunity, the power flow on the HVDCLight link is reversed automatically, and thesurplus power is transmitted to the mainAC grid. Wind power Small scale hydropower HVDC Light Extruded cable Distant ac- grid Waste gas is usually burned at offshoredrillingplatforms, since it is too expensive,or technically difficult, to use the gas for power generation and transmit it by an ACcable to the main grid on the shore. Thus,the energy content of the gas is wasted, andthe primitive burning process is source ofpollution. With an HVDC Lightunderwater cable transmission, the gas canbe used as gas turbine fuel, supplying boththe platform and the main AC grid withpower. The process of burning the gas ingas turbines would also produce much acleaner exhaust than simple burning woulddo.The DC underwater cable network could easily be extended to other offshoreplatforms. 3.4 ASYNCRONOUS LINKS Two AC grids, adjacent to each other butrunning asynchronously with respect toeach other, cannot exchange any powerbetween each other. If there is a surplus ofgenerating capacity in one of the grids itcannot be utilized in the other grid. Each ofthe networks must have its own capacity of peak power generation, usually in the formof older, inefficient fuel fossil plants, ordiesel or gas turbine units. Thus, peakpower generation is often a source ofsubstantial pollution, and their fueleconomy is frequently bad.A DC link, connecting two such networks,can be used for combining the generationcapacities of both networks. Cheap surpluspower from one network can replace peakpower generation in the other. This willresult in both reduced pollution levels andincreased fuel economy. The powerexchange between the networks is alsovery easy to measure accurately. 4. ADVANTAGES * Transmission by HVDC Light saves the environment by replacing local fossil-fueled generation withtransmission from main AC-grid. * Connecting small scale renewable power to main AC –grid. * HVDC Light is inherent environmentally friendlycables instead of OH transmission lines. * Virtually no magnetic field. * No ground currents because of bipolar transmission. 5. CONCLUSION HVDC Light technology saves theenvironment by replacing remote fossilfuelledgenerators with cost-efficienttransmission of power from efficient andclean, large-scale generation productionunits. The efficiency of a modern, largescale, thermal generating plant is usually 25percent higher than that for a modernsmall or moderate scale diesel generatorplant,Vice versa, HVDC Light provides aconvenient and cost-effective way forconnecting renewable and non-pollutingenergy sources as wind power farms andphotovoltaic power plants to a main grid.The HVDC Light technology in itself hasstrong environmental benefits. Since poweris transmitted via a pair of underground cables, the electromagnetic fields from thecables cancel each other. Any residual fieldis a static field, as opposed to the powerfrequencyfields radiated from AC cables.Since HVDC Light transmissions arebipolar, they do not inject any currents intothe ground. Ground currents can disturbcommunications systems or causecorrosion on gas or oil pipelines.A pair of light-weight DC cables can beeasily plodded into the ground at a costthat is comparable to or less than for acorresponding AC overhead line. Asopposed to an overhead line, anunderground cable pair has no visualimpact at all on the landscape. Usually it’salso much easier to obtain permissions andpublic approval for a cable transmissionthan for an overhead line, especially inresidential areas. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Our sincere thanks to HOD and FACULTIES for encouraging us to prepare the above document. A special thanks to REFERNCES [1] K. Eriksson, â€Å"HVDC Lightâ„ ¢ and development of Voltage SourceConverters†, IEEE TD 2002 Latin America, Sà £o Paulo, Brazil, March. [2] L. Carlsson, G. Asplund, H. Bjà ¶rklund, M. Ã…berg, Present trends inHVDC converter station design IV SEPOPE Conference, Foz doIguacu, Brazil. [3]IEEE

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Buddhist Five Precepts In A Nutshell Philosophy Essay

The Buddhist Five Precepts In A Nutshell Philosophy Essay Many of us know that negative emotions and behaviour are unwholesome and lead to suffering, and that, in contrast, positive emotions and behaviour are wholesome and lead to happiness. Yet, even with this knowledge, few of us are dedicated practitioners, following the Buddhist Five Precepts faithfully and sincerely on a daily basis. In other words, there is a gap between knowledge and practice. The purpose of Dharma education is not the accumulation of knowledge, but the use and application of knowledge to bring about change within us. The teachings of Dharma help us develop a good heart and true happiness for the benefit of ourselves as well as for others. True happiness requires training and a certain degree of inner discipline. We need to train the intellect and feelings, as well as the heart and mind. In this process we undergo a transformation of our attitudes, and our entire outlook, as well as our approach to living. Buddhism provides the framework and guidance to work towards this transformation. However, such transformation does not come naturally. As human beings, we have many negative mental traits; we need to address and counteract each of these and there is no easy way out. We are unlike computers, where a simple push of a keyboard button can delete a negative trait from our mind. As humans, we need to apply a variety of approaches and methods, such as observing the precepts, meditation and so forth to deal with our varied and complex negative mental traits. Observing the Five Precepts is one of the very basic methods, a set of guiding principles with which to counteract our negative traits. The Five Precepts also help to guide our bodily actions, our speech and our mental attitudes. It is a systematic means of actualising our aim of purifying our body, speech and mind. The process of transformation requires commitment and perseverance. We need to constantly apply various techniques and take time to familiarise ourselves with the practices. Determination and inner discip line are important qualities we need to develop if we are to bring about successful transformation. The training process encompasses faith, understanding, practice, experience and realisation. First, we need to have a certain degree of faith to enter the path. We need to have faith that the Five Precepts will lead us to happiness and that we can uphold them. Next, we need to learn the value of upholding the precepts, and how this can be accomplished by understanding their contents and principles. Learning the precepts helps us to understand the importance of becoming more ethical in our behavior and increasing our mental discipline. Subsequently, we transform this knowledge into action, that is, keeping the precepts sincerely on a daily basis. Determination and inner discipline are very important in upholding the precepts. By learning, understanding and upholding the precepts, we change our perception of the world, and most importantly of ourselves. As a result, our interactions with others and the way we conduct our daily lives will become positive, fruitful and light. Such experi ence and realisation will further enhance our understanding and faith in the precepts. In the beginning, positive changes may be very minor. The negative influences that we have held for so long within our minds remain strong, leading us to continue to violate the precepts. We have to be patient with ourselves and keep working at it. Little by little, our life will come into alignment with wisdom. With growing wisdom, we will become more mindful (aware) of our thoughts and actions. Negative actions that we once committed with little or no awareness are suddenly revealed to us. As a result, it becomes easier to maintain the precepts. Just like learning to ride a bicycle, we will fall often. However, with constant practice, we will get there eventually. Observing the Five Precepts is an ethical discipline which will require constant effort from ourselves, as old negative habits are replaced with new, positive ones. We need to work with ourselves and be patient. No one saves us but ourselves, and the Buddha merely guides the way! 3.1 THE BUDDHIST FIVE PRECEPTS IN A NUTSHELL The Five Precepts were recommended by the Buddha for anyone who wishes to lead a life of peace, while also contributing to the happiness of family and society. The Five Precepts are voluntarily observed by lay Buddhists; they are not commandments that have to be strictly abided by. They form the basis of universal morality outlined in the Noble Eightfold Path, which is very important, especially when one is beginning to follow the Buddhist way. WHAT ARE THE FIVE PRECEPTS? THE FIRST PRECEPT: ABSTAIN FROM KILLING Respect Life, Not Kill and Being Compassionate I undertake the training rule to abstain from taking life, so that I will practise compassion by protecting and benefiting all life. THE SECOND PRECEPT: ABSTAIN FROM STEALING Respect Personal Property, Not Steal and Being Generous I undertake the training rule to abstain from taking what is not given, so that I will practise generosity by sharing and giving away my material and spiritual wealth. THE THIRD PRECEPT: ABSTAIN FROM SEXUAL MISCONDUCT Respect Personal Relationships, Not Indulge the Senses and To Be Content I undertake the training rule to abstain from misconduct regarding objects and subjects of sense pleasures, especially adultery, so that I will practices contentment and channel my energies towards spiritual development. THE FOURTH PRECEPT: ABSTAIN FROM UNTRUTHFUL SPEECH Respect Truth, Not Lying and Being Truthful in Speech I undertake the training rule to abstain from false speech, and other unwholesome modes of speech, so that I will communicate positively. THE FIFTH PRECEPT: ABSTAIN FROM CONSUMING INTOXICATING DRINKS AND DRUGS Respect Mental and Physical Well-being, Not Taking Intoxicants and Being Mindful I undertake the training rule to abstain from taking alcohol, and that which causes intoxication, so that I will be more healthy and not break the precepts through loss of mindfulness. 2.1.1 The First Precept: ABSTAIN FROM KILLING I undertake the training rule to abstain from taking life The pali word panna means that which breathes. A living being is one that has breath and consciousness, including human beings, animals and insects. Plants are excluded as they do not have consciousness.This precept prohibits the killing of living beings. In broader terms, it should also be understood to prohibit injuring, maiming, and torturing a living being. Conditions Under Which A Violation Is Considered to Have Occurred à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Object: The fact and presence of a living being, human or animal à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Knowledge: The knowledge that the object is a living being à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Intention: The intent or resolution to kill à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The Act: The act of killing à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Consequence: A resulting death Exceptions à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ By accident no intention The act of killing can take place through action of the body, or speech, such as commanding someone to kill, resulting in the death of a living being. The key factor for the violation of this precept is intention. The mental factor is the propeller while the body only functions as the channel for actualising the intent to kill. A complete act of killing constituting a full violation of the precept needs to involve the five conditions stated earlier. Let us first look at the first condition: Object. There is violation only when a living being is present and one perceives it as a living being. Here is a straightforward example to illustrate this idea. In a demonstration or riot where mobs are very angry with a political leader, they might burn the photos and/ or slash the statue of the political leader. In this case, there is no killing as the rioters only perceive the photo or statue as a living being. Intending to kill one being and killing another by mistake also does not constitute a full transgression. The second condition, Knowledge, denotes that killing occurs only when the killer is aware that the object of his action is a living being, not a photo or statue. So, if we step on an insect we do not see, the knowledge (awareness) of a living being is not there and hence full violation has not occurred. The third condition, Intention, ensures that the taking of life is intentional. There is no violation if there is no intent to kill, for example accidentally killing a fly when we try to keep it away. The fourth condition holds that the action must be directed towards killing and the fifth, that the being (human or animal) dies as a result of this action. Full violation of the precept is not deemed to have happened if there is no resulting death. Underlying Motivations for Killing à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Greed à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Hatred à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Delusion An example of killing motivated primarily by greed is killing for material gain, such as hunting; or to gain enjoyment, such as fishing or eating seafood. Killing motivated by hatred is evident in cases of vicious murder out of strong aversion, cruelty, or jealousy. Killing motivated by delusion can be seen in the case of animal sacrifices in certain religious practices, or in holy wars, where one kills followers of other religious beliefs, and believing that to be a sacred act. How the Precept is Violated à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Committed by oneself à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ By commanding or instructing à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Rejoicing in the act The precept could be violated by taking a life, or by commanding someone else to do so verbally or with gestures. A common example of instructing someone else to kill on our behalf is by ordering live seafood in a restaurant. Sometimes we may rejoice in the act of killing, for example, rejoicing in the murder of someone we do not like. When reading the news that an enemy has been killed, we must be careful not to rejoice in it. The Intensity / Severity of Violation à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Spiritual Nobility of the victim à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Size of animal à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Type of animal There is a difference between killing a human being and an animal. Killing a human being is certainly a more serious violation than killing an animal. Within the category of humans, it is a more serious violation to kill ones parent or benefactor, than a stranger. In the case of animals, the severity of violation is said to be proportional to the size of the animal, that is, killing a larger animal is more reprehensible than killing a small animal (such as a tiny insect). It also matters if the animals are domesticated or wild, and if they have a gentle or vicious temperament. Of all killings, the most culpable is the killing of an arahant/arahantini (a fully liberated being), and of ones parents. The Purpose of the this Precept à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ To respect life à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ To have compassion The purpose of this precept is to respect all living beings. In doing so, we learn to be kind and compassionate to all living beings and live in harmony with them. By upholding the precept of not killing, we give all living creatures security and freedom from danger. Quotes from Scriptures Giving up killing, we abstain from taking the life of any living being; laying aside stick and sword, modest and merciful, he lives kind and compassionate to all living beings. (DN.1) There is the case where a disciple of the noble ones, abandoning the taking of life, abstains from taking life. In doing so, he gives freedom from danger, freedom from animosity, freedom from oppression to limitless numbers of beings. In giving freedom from danger, freedom from animosity, freedom from oppression to limitless numbers of beings, he gains a share in limitless freedom from danger, freedom from animosity, and freedom from oppression. This is the first gift, the first great gift original, long- standing, traditional, ancient, unadulterated, unadulterated from the beginning that is not open to suspicion, will never be open to suspicion, and is unfaulted by knowledgeable contemplatives and priests. (AN8.39) The First Mindfulness Training by Thich Nhat Hanh Aware of the suffering caused by the destruction of life, I am committed to cultivating compassion and learning ways to protect the lives of people, animals, plants, and minerals. I am determined not to kill, not to let others kill, and not to condone any act of killing in the world, in my thinking, and in my way of life. Thich Nhat Hanh has extended the First Precept of not killing humans and animals (sentient beings) to the protection of plants and minerals, which are technically not sentient beings though they are part of nature. The essence of observing this precept is to respect life, cultivate loving kindness and to live in harmony with our ecosystem and environment. In view of the consumerist world we live in, driven often by greed, this mindfulness training can help in our reflection on how we live, and how our actions contribute to harming our environment and the planet. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS REGARDING THE FIRST PRECEPT What is the Buddhist perspective on suicide? Chan Master Sheng Yen: According to the Buddhist teaching of cause and effect, since one has not realised the truth of all phenomena, or is not liberated from life and death, suicide is pointless. When ones karmic retribution is not exhausted, death by suicide only leads to another cycle of rebirth. This is why Buddhists do not support suicide, and instead, encourage constructive living, using this life to diligently practise good, thus changing the present and the future for the better. His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama: Some people commit suicide; they seem to think that there is suffering simply because there is the human life, and that by cutting off the life there will be nothingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ But, according to the Buddhist viewpoint, thats not the case; your consciousness will continue. Even if you take your own life, this life, you will have to take another body that again will be the basis of suffering. If you really want to get rid of all your suffering, all the difficulties you experience in your life, you have to get rid of the fundamental cause (greed, hatred and delusion) that gives rise to the aggregates that are the basis of all suffering. Killing yourself isnt going to solve your problem. Ven. K. Sri Dhammananda: Taking ones own life under any circumstances is morally and spiritually wrong. Taking ones own life owing to frustration or disappointment only causes greater suffering. Suicide is a cowardly way to end ones problems of life. A person cannot commit suicide if his mind is pure and tranquil. If one leaves this world with a confused and frustrated mind, it is most unlikely that he would be born again in a better condition. Suicide is an unwholesome or unskillful act since it is encouraged by a mind filled with greed, hatred and delusion. Those who commit suicide have not learnt how to face their problems, how to face the facts of life, and how to use their mind in a proper manner. Such people have not been able to understand the nature of life and worldly conditions. Ven. S. Dhammika, Good Question Good Answer, 2008, p26: When one person murders another they might do it out of fear, anger, fury, greed or some other negative emotions. When a person kills himself or herself they might do it for very similar reasons or because of other negative emotions like despair or frustration. So whereas murder is the result of negative emotions directed towards another, suicide is the result of negative emotions directed towards oneself, and therefore would be breaking the Precept. However, someone who is contemplating suicide or has attempted suicide does not need to be told that what they are doing is wrong. They need our support and our understanding. We have to help them understand that killing themselves is perpetuating their problem, surrendering to it, not solving it. To keep the precept of not killing, must we be vegetarian? There are various opinions among the different Buddhist traditions with regards to this question. The Buddha, himself, was not a vegetarian. Traditionally, Theravadin monastics live on alms food; they receive whatever is put into their alms bowl. In other words, they have no control over their diet. However, in the Jivaka Sutta (MN 55), it is mentioned that the Buddha only allowed meat to be taken on the condition that it is pure in three aspects that the monastic: 1. did not see the animal being killed 2. did not hear the cry of the animal being killed 3. did not suspect that the animal was killed specifically for the monk/nun Although these conditions technically apply only to monastics, they are often used as a reasonable guide by devout lay people. The Mahayanists relate these three types of purified meat to the nurturing of compassion. If we see the suffering of the dying animal, we should be compassionate towards them and try to relieve their suffering. It is against the principle of compassion if we do not help them, and indeed, even go ahead to consume their meat. Exceptions have also appeared in Tibetan Buddhism. In Tibet, people traditionally lived as nomads and it was, and probably still is, difficult to grow vegetables in the high altitudes, making it difficult to be vegetarian. Hence, monastics from the Theravadin and Tibetan traditions are generally not vegetarian. When Buddhism spread to China, the idea of compassion was developed further in the Chinese Mahayanist tradition, and the Bodhisattva vow of not taking meat was strongly emphasised and made compulsory. Chinese Mahayanist monastics are therefore vegetarian, and so are many devotees who have taken the Bodhisattva precepts. Today, more and more Theravadin monastics are encouraging vegetarianism, and His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama also encourages Tibetan monastics living outside Tibet, and who have control over their diet, to be vegetarian. In my opinion, vegetarianism should be encouraged, but not imposed on others. Are we not contributing to killing by eating meat? Isnt the meat in restaurants and supermarkets killed for our consumption? Let us look at the example of poultry farming. In the old days, chickens were allowed to roam freely and grow in a natural environment. They were only sent for slaughter when naturally fully grown. In other words, the production of meat was not human-controlled but based on the natural growth of the animals. Today, driven by demand in capitalist economies, poultry is produced in controlled high-tech conditions. Poultry and other animals are now raised in large-scale factory farms, deprived of natural conditions which allow them to move around and seek food freely in a natural environment. They are fed solely by humans and/or machines and kept in cages or pens, just big enough for them to stand in, day and night. Driven by human greed, some poultry farmers, for example, speed up the growth of the chickens to generate more income, causing tremendous pain and suffering to the poultry. By creating longer days and shorter nights with the use of indoor lighting, the animals are misled into eating more often than normal. Under these factory farming conditions, these animals suffer greatly. Some reports say these animals attack each other, pecking out of frustration and wounding their mates, causing each other to bleed and suffer. To prevent them from attacking each other, farmers cut their beaks off, inflicting even more pain and suffering to the poor chickens. During festive seasons, there is massive slaughter of animals to satisfy the sensual pleasures of humans. So, if we look deeply into the consumption of meat, we could be indirectly contributing to the act of killing, because the production of meat today is dependent on demand in the market. Therefore, if we can reduce our meat consumption, it will certainly reduce the demand for meat, and thereby minimising animal slaughter. If we are truly concerned for the well-being of animals and not wanting to contribute to the cruelty of modern industrial farming, we will naturally develop a kind heart and compassion towards animals. The practice of the First Precept to abstain from killing is a celebration of life. We do not support any act of killing, and we can extend it further by teaching others not to. Being mindful of what we eat and what we buy, and making an effort in our diet are ways of preventing killing. Many Buddhists find that as they develop in their spiritual path, they have a natural tendency to become vegetarian. By doing so, they live up to the Buddhas teaching on loving kindness. This energy of loving kindness brings feelings of safety, health and joy to them and all sentient beings. What did the Buddha say about vegetarianism? (Taken from Ven. Sangye Khadros article, Mandala Magazine, June 2007) There is a lot of debate within Buddhism about this issue. There are some Buddhists who are vegetarian (no meat or fish), and some who are vegans (no animal products at all, including dairy products and eggs). And there are some Buddhists who do eat meat. What did the Buddha himself say about eating meat? Well, it seems that he said different things at different times. This may sound like he contradicted himself, but the Tibetans say that the Buddha was a very skilful teacher who understood the minds and needs of his listeners and would teach them accordingly. So to some, the Buddha said it was okay to eat meat, provided that they did not kill the animal themselves, or order it to be killed. But to others, the Buddha said that if you are a follower of the bodhisattva path, and truly compassionate, you should not eat meat. To these people he spoke of the harmful consequences of doing so. In fact, there is an entire chapter in the Lankavatara Sutra (a Mahayana sutra which has been translated into English) in which the Buddha spoke very strongly against meat-eating. So as I understand it, the Buddha did not actually forbid his followers to eat meat, but left it up to each person to decide this issue for him/herself. In a way, that was compassionate of the Buddha, because some people live in places and conditions where it would be extremely difficult to abstain from meat, and if they had to be vegetarian in order to be Buddhist, they probably would not be able to do it. Also, some people are unable to be strictly vegetarian because of their physical make-up or their health. His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama is an example of this. He tried to be vegetarian, but his health suffered and his doctors advised him to eat meat. But I am sure he eats as little as possible, because in his teachings he often encourages people (especially the Tibetans, who are quite fond of meat) to either give up or at least cut down on the consumption of meat. His advice seems to be working, because I have noticed in the last few years an increase in the number of Tibetans who have given up meat, as well as Tibetan-run organisations promoting vegetarianism. I even heard that Sera Monastery in South India is a meat- free zone! Is abortion a form of killing? Isnt it better to end a pregnancy if the couple is not ready? Abortion is medically defined as the expulsion of a not yet viable foetus in humans as well as animals before the end of pregnancy, during which the foetus is not capable of maintaining an independent existence. Is abortion a form of killing? To answer this question, we need to understand when life begins. According to Buddhist teachings, the existence of a human being begins from the minds first arising, that is, from the first moment of the existence of consciousness in a foetus. In other words, life begins from the moment of conception, when an egg is fertilised by a sperm. Hence, abortion is indeed a form of killing. However, according to Buddhism, abortion is allowed only in situations where it is the most humane alternative; for example, in order to save the life of the mother. But let us be honest, most abortions are performed simply because the pregnancy is inconvenient, or an embarrassment (pre-marital pregnancy or the result of adultery). These are very poor reasons for the destruction of a life. Abortion is never a good solution to unwanted pregnancies. Prevention is better than cure. Education is the long term solution. Educating couples on sexual responsibility is a better option than destroying a life. Couples entering into sexual activity should think carefully beforehand. Are they ready to bring a new life into this world? Are they financially ready to bring up the child? Sexual activity should not be carried out without long term commitment; that is, if pregnancy occurs, the couple must be responsible for their act of bringing a new life into the world. What if a woman is raped? A child conceived as a result of rape is entitled to live and be loved just as any other child. The baby (foetus) is innocent. He or she should not be killed simply because their biological father committed a crime. In dealing with unwanted pregnancy, the child could be given away or adopted by others. How should I deal with an infestation of ants or cockroaches? Our intention is not to kill. We try our best to bring the least harm to all living creatures. We can avoid using harmful pesticides by using organic/natural ones that do not kill the creatures. For example, fresh pandan (pandanus) leaves are good for keeping cockroaches away without killing them. We also need to be aware of actions that may invite pests into our house. Some people have the habit of leaving dishes and cutlery in the basin after meals. Some wash the dishes only when there are no more clean plates and spoons in the cupboard. This will certainly invite ants and cockroaches into their homes. When their house is infected with ants and cockroaches, they start spraying pesticides. We need to be mindful and responsible for our actions. If we make an effort to keep our environment clean and dry, and keeping food out of reach, it will certainly reduce the incidence of pests. At other times when it is unavoidable, we just need to be patient and tolerant. With mindfulness and pe rseverance, we can do our best to minimise harm to living creatures. Refer to Appendix 1 (p87) for tips on how to keep insects away without killing them. Some detractors say, You Buddhists are too concerned about ants and bugs. (Taken from Ven. S. Dhammika, Good Question Good Answer, p25) Buddhists try to develop a compassion that is undiscriminating and all-embracing. We see the world as a unified whole where each thing and creature has its place and function. We believe that before we destroy or upset natures delicate balance, we should be very careful. Where emphasis has been on exploiting nature to the full, squeezing every last drop out of it without putting anything back, conquering and subduing it, nature has revolted. The air is becoming poisoned, the rivers polluted and dead, so many animals and plants are heading for extinction, the slopes of the mountains are barren and eroded. Even the climate is changing. If people were a little less anxious to crush, destroy and kill, this terrible situation might not have arisen. We should strive to develop a little more respect for all life. And this is what the First Precept is about. What if we are practicing non-violence and someone breaks into our house and threatens us? What should we do? It all depends on your level of cultivation. If you are an experienced practitioner who practises non-violence in your daily life, the chances are you will be more likely to react calmly and intelligently without harming anyone. The compassion one generates could influence the intruder to be less violent. But in order to be able to react in an intelligent and non-violent way, our day-to-day training is important. It may take years to develop. If you wait till a crisis happens, it will be too late. And at that crucial moment, even if you know all the teachings to embrace compassion, to be non- violent, it is only intellectual knowledge. Since it is not an intrinsic part of your being, you may not be able to act in a non-violent manner. The self-centred cherishing attitude, the fear and anger in you will likely obstruct you from acting that way. Hence, it is important to transform our knowledge into practice and to embrace loving kindness and compassion in our daily life. Here is the story of a practising Buddhist reacting in a non-violent way when confronted with a robber. Home Intrusion and the Protection by the Triple Gems (The following article is extracted from the Buddhist Society of Western Australia Newsletter, Feb/Mar issue, 2010) On that fateful night of 19 January 2010, a masked intruder armed with a knife, garden fork and a hammer walked into my house through an unlocked door around 9 p.m. I was cooking in my kitchen and happened to turn around to be confronted by this strange looking masked man standing about 4 feet away holding up his weapons. Extreme terror came over me. I let out two blood curdling screams in quick succession. In a split second, I went into denial as I stared into his face to see if it was my husband, Sunny dressed up like that to frighten me. Hearing the screams, Sunny came flying into the kitchen to investigate. The intruder ordered both of us to lie down on the kitchen floor and not to look at him. He told us to just look at his feet to know where he was. As we went down on the floor, Sunny started chanting om mani padme hum, the Buddha of Compassions mantra, and I joined him in chanting quietly under our breaths. At that point I was shaking with fear. Thoughts of being robbed, bashed senseless, raped or even killed ran amok in my mind. Minutes later a calmness came over me. I even questioned myself then as to why I was feeling so calm. The first thing I said to the intruder was We are peaceful people. Just tell us what you want and we will give it to you but please do not harm us. His reply to that was, I am also a peaceful person. If you do as I tell you, I will not harm you. That was cold comfort to us as he was the one holding the weapons and looked quite agitated and menacing. He added, I want money. My wife is pregnant and I am homeless. To that Sunny said, I have $50 in my wallet. When he opened the wallet, he only found a $20 note. So then I gave him my purse which contained $30. At that point I thought he would ask us to drive him to the nearest ATM to get more cash and then will probably finish us off, but surprisingly there were no demands from him for more cash or anything else. He was quite happy with the $50 cash, mobile phone and our car. He said he would return the car keys another day and leave them in our letter box. He later changed his mind, saying he would drive to Warwick Station and leave the keys under the car seat. During our half hour ordeal, he apologised numerous times and asked for forgiveness. Twice he sounded as though he was about to cry for putting us throug

One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich by Alexander Solzhenitsyn Essay

Alexander Solzhenitsyn's purpose in episodes one and two of One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich is to develop Ivan Denisovich Shukhov as a mediator for personal views and then to present those views on life, prison, and authority to the reader. This purpose is accomplished by the author's use of characterization, symbolism, and aphorism. The reader's knowledge of Shukhov is almost as restricted as the rules set forth in Shukhov's prison, and there is nothing that sets Shukhov apart from the rest of the prisoners. This allows the reader to focus less on him as a character and more on what he is intended to convey. The author’s first use of characterization occurs in the quotation, "Shukhov never overslept reveille. He always got up at once, for the next ninety, until they assembled for work, belonged to him, not to the authorities" (17). Through this quotation, the reader recognizes how Shukhov is willing to partake in the many challenges set forth by authority, but still appreciates the time he can set aside for himself. This characterization of Shukhov shows that the author values the idea of self-awareness. This is essential further in the novel as seen when Shukhov reflects on the importance of mealtime or breaks as solely for one's self, which contrastingly reveals the extent in which authority has stolen time from the prisoners. Another example of characterization stems from the quotation, "Shukhov realized, as he had guessed on the way there, that he wasn't being sent to the guardhouse at all—it was simply that the guardroom floor needed scrubbing" (23). This quotation shows that Shukhov has an in-depth understanding of the operations within his prison and can be trusted by the reader to provide reliable exposure. The rea... ... the prisoners survived. This is necessary to understand for later in the novel when an importance is placed on one's ability to outsmart the authority in order to actually survive prison. For instance, when Shukhov tricks the cook in prison into giving his squad more dishes. By using aphorisms from Shukhov, Solzhenitsyn is able to express universal truths to discredit the communistic society around him, a personal view he wished to share on a global scale. Through the characterization of Shukhov, the use of symbolism, and the use of aphorisms, Solzhenitsyn is able to recognize Shukhov as a mediator of his personal views thus providing the reader with the observations that he has made as a prisoner himself. Works Cited Solzhenitsyn, Alexander. One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich. Trans. Ralph Parker. New York: E.P. Dutton, a Division of Penguin, 1963. Print.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Computer Viruses: Infection Vectors, and Feasibility of Complete Protection :: essays research papers fc

Computer Viruses: Infection Vectors, and Feasibility of Complete Protection   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A computer virus is a program which, after being loaded into a computer's memory, copies itself with the purpose of spreading to other computers.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Most people, from the corporate level power programmer down to the computer hobbyist, have had either personal experience with a virus or know someone who has. And the rate of infection is rising monthly. This has caused a wide spread interest in viruses and what can be done to protect the data now entrusted to the computer systems throughout the world.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A virus can gain access to a computer system via any one of four vectors: 1. Disk usage: in this case, infected files contained on a diskette (including, on occasion, diskettes supplied by software manufacturers) are loaded, and used in a previously uninfected system thus allowing the virus to spread. 2. Local Area Network: a LAN allows multiple computers to share the same data, and programs. However, this data sharing can allow a virus to spread rapidly to computers that have otherwise been protected from external contamination. 3. Telecommunications: also known as a Wide Area Network, this entails the connection of computer systems to each other via modems, and telephone lines. This is the vector most feared by computer users, with infected files being rapidly passed along the emerging information super-highway, then downloaded from public services and then used, thus infecting the new system. 4. Spontaneous Generation: this last vector is at the same time the least thought of and the least likely. However, because virus programs tend to be small, the possibility exists that the code necessary for a self-replicating program could be randomly generated and executed in the normal operation of any computer system.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Even disregarding the fourth infection vector, it can be seen that the only way to completely protect a computer system is to isolate it from all contact with the outside world. This would include the user programming all of the necessary code to operate the system, as even commercial products have been known to be shipped already infected with viruses.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In conclusion, because a virus can enter a computer in so many different ways, perhaps the best thing to do is more a form of damage control rather than prevention. Such as, maintain current backups of your data, keep your original software disks write-protected and away from the computer, and use a good Virus detection program. Outline Thesis: Complete protection of a computer system from viruses is not possible, so efforts should be concentrated on recovery rather than prevention. I. Introduction, with definition.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A. Define Computer Virus.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  B. Define interest group.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  C. Define problem.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Great Depression in America :: essays research papers fc

â€Å"Father, won’t we have anything to eat for dinner?† said a young boy in a poor household, after his parents lost everything. Aww, now that’s a sad story. The economic collapse of 1929, also known as the Great Depression, helped make most of the United States bankrupt. The Great Depression was the worst economic disaster in the entire history of the U.S. (Gusmorino). It put millions of people out of work, and made people homeless and hungry. Food and job lines were nearly endless in the cities. The Great Depression was a horrible time for most of Americans. Many people lost their jobs and a lot of businesses closed. This job loss forced many Americans to becoming migrant workers. One of the main causes for this depression was that too many people over estimated the stock market’s stability, and they put lots of money into it (Gusmorino). When the stock market did crash, the people that invested in it lost everything. Also, people that put their life savings in banks lost everything they had, because the banks lost all their money. After this, it was hard to get the American people to put their trust back in the banks and the stock market, so President Roosevelt made a series of new laws and deals, creating more jobs, and ensuring that your money would not be lost in a bank. The new jobs that President Roosevelt created were mostly construction jobs to maintain and repair public lands. For example, one of the new jobs was to fix and maintain highways. Also, he gave money to farmers for them to set up work camps on their farms. These work camps offered jobs to anyone that was willing to travel to a farm and work there. This process of leaving your home, and living wherever you can work, is called migrant labor. During this historical time period, millions of Americans were forced into a life of migrant labor (Migrant). A migrant worker is someone who travels from town to town, looking for work. Then, when they find work, they live at the job site. Migrant workers usually live in small camps or tents along irrigation canals or right on a farm field. When a drought swept through the Great Plains in 1931, and dust storms came in 1932, the farmlands on the plains were all completely destroyed (Fanslow). Those people out of work moved to states like California for jobs.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

“More than our brother is our chastity”. How far do you find yourself able to condone Isabella’s point of view

John 15:13 says: â€Å"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends†. In the traditional Christian Elizabethan society; this sentiment would have been revered; Shakespeare’s Puritanical and Catholic audiences would have loved the ideas of self-sacrifice and the immediate ascension into heaven. However, in Measure for Measure, Shakespeare manages to challenge this verse; he manipulates the situations and then causes the audience to digest the complexity of the verse, and causes the audience to question whether Isabella’s estimation that fornicating to save the life of another is not only morally wrong and a direct rebuttal of Jesus’ sentiment; but a damning sin. Isabella’s introduction into the play arouses intrigue in audiences and readers, as she is described as having a â€Å"speechless dialect/Such as move men†; so it is expected that audiences and readers would be waiting with bated breath fro Isabella to meet Angelo; and Shakespeare does not disappoint. The scene is written in blank verse, with unrhymed lines of iambic pentameter; Isabella first line is not quite metrically even; the word honour cannot be properly stressed, and that falter changes the rhythm of her speech. Her second speech leaves a gap in which Angelo inserts a terse question; almost as if the incomplete pentameter forces Angelo to reply. That first break in rhythm changes the dynamics of Isabelle’s interaction with Angelo. Shakespeare purposefully does this in order to use language and rhythm to convey the intensity of the relationship instantly forged between them; in particular the way the metre swaps between the two speakers. Later in the scene, the roles are reversed. On line 51, the position of the words in the pentameter undermines their stated meaning: while the words themselves speak of a certainty and finality, the rhythm is half-finished; in which Isabella can – metrically must- reopen the argument; although Angelo’s words say there is nor room for argument, he does not, at some level, want to dismiss the argument entirely; The language of the scene shows the extent to which they are aware of each other. So from the beginning of their interaction readers and audiences alike are left to question if this awareness is befitting of a novice nun. Conversely, Isabella may be seen as a model of some aspects of Christian virtue in ‘Measure for Measure', and her opposition to giving up her virginity an extension of her inherent virtue. For instance, in Act 2 Scene 2, Isabella's dialogue with Angelo expresses her quality of mercy, as although Claudio's sexual transgression is â€Å"a vice that I do most abhor†, Isabella argues that Angelo â€Å"might pardon him, / And neither heaven nor man grieve at the mercy. Furthermore she connects this value directly to God and her religion; â€Å"Why all the souls that were, were forfeit once/ And he that might the vantage best have took/ Found out the remedy. † This opposes Angelo's strict adherence to the secular laws of Vienna. His speeches in this scene make repeated references to his view of the law as immobile, such as â€Å"Your brother is a forfeit of the law/ And you but waste your words. He does not address the moral issues surrounding Claudio's crime, and the dry legal connotations of his language may seem to lack sympathy or mercy; this contrasts with Isabella's emotive language and religious allusions. This juxtaposition may have provided Shakespeare's original audiences with an interesting and current rhetorical debate, as the laws of the church and England's common laws were sometimes distinct and contradictory, causing moral and legal conflict. Moreover, the laws at the time were concerned with principles of justice, but did not often consider mercy, which was thought to be a religious virtue. Therefore, the characters of Isabella and Angelo may be intended to represent the two sides of this debate. Similarly, in John Webster’s ‘The Duchess of Malfi† The Duchess is portrayed as character who breaks the traditional Elizabethan revenge plot by to speak and act with the freedom of normal, albeit impulsive human beings. The Duchess is portrayed as sensual and aware of her sexuality, but is still able to become the embodiment of Christian virtue. In some ways Isabella and the Duchess are strikingly similar, but where The Duchess is overtly sexual, Isabella – like Angelo, has a moral compass that causes her to view situations as either Black or White, with no in-between {Insert quotation here} Isabella may therefore represent the difficulties of being a model of virtue, and of holding strict values of chastity and restraint whilst upholding sometimes contrasting principles of mercy and compassion. These themes would have been relevant in Jacobean society, as puritan values – which Isabella's devotion may represent – were becoming increasingly influential politically and socially, for instance the theatres of the suburbs were at times closed by puritan intervening. Furthermore, the play's genre of problem play allows for moral dilemmas to be raised and viewed from both sides. Therefore although seems to Isabella demonstrate a struggle to become ideally virtuous, it cannot be said definitively whether she succeeds as Angelo brings to light an equally challenging view â€Å"Is there no charity in sin? † However, it could be argued that modern values make it difficult for todays’ audience and readers to full grasp the gravity of Isabella’s situation. A similar story to ‘Measure for Measure’ is outlined in the Elizabethan novella â€Å"Eptia and Juriste† by Giraldi Cintho; in which Juriste is appointed governor of Innsbruck. He sentences a young man Vico to death; and like Angelo, Juriste propositions Epitia for sexual favours in exchange for her brother’s life, hinting that he might even marry her later. Epitia refuses indignantly â€Å"My brother’s life† she says with noble fierceness â€Å"is indeed very dear to me, but my honour is far dearer: my life I would willingly lose to save his, but I will not preserve him with my honour† so it could be argued that dilemma’s like this were popular and scintillating with Elizabethan audiences, as they understood the true depth of both women’s situations. Unfortunately, the representation of Isabella's religious devotion may appear – to some readers and audiences; humorous in its extremes, such as when in Act 1 Scene 4 she wishes for â€Å"a more strict restraint† even than â€Å"the votarists of St Claire†, a Catholic order that Shakespeare's audiences may have recognised as following rigorous rules of poverty. Furthermore, Isabella's devotion to chastity may place her on what seems like a moral highroad unachievable by most, and this may causes an audience to question or disapprove of her character. However, although Isabella's resilient chastity may have therefore seemed virtuous, her direct language: â€Å"Better it were a brother died at once† could seem unsympathetic and her use of the pronoun â€Å"our† in her proclamation â€Å"more than our brother is our chastity† could be seen as unemotional and an attempt to depersonalise he situation; making it harder for audiences and readers alike to empathise with her. Although, the argument of Isabella’s lack of sympathy for Claudio could be countered with her argument that Angelo should put himself in Claudio's place: â€Å"Go to your bosom, / Knock there, and ask your heart what it doth know/ That's like my brother's fault†. ; the emphasis on the shifting pronouns enacts the level of syntax, the act of identification she seeks to prompt. Also, it may be significant that Isabella sticks to her values of chastity even though it involves emotional upheaval, whereas Angelo, when he discovers he is not the legal and moral puritan he had previously thought himself to abandons his values completely and becomes a tyrant, exploiting both the law and the other characters for his own benefit, saying: â€Å"I have begun, /And now I give my sensual race the rein. † So, while Angelo is portrayed as occupying the same if not higher moral ground that Isabella, his fall from grace is well documented and juxtaposed against Isabella – who sometimes unethical but never immoral, it shows that Isabella’s strength lies I her unwavering moral compass, and easily giving over her virtue would be untrue of her character. This is portrays especially well in Act 2 Scene 4, where Angelo asks â€Å"who would believe thee Isabel? â€Å". Here Shakespeare's use of the rhetorical question emphasises Angelo's power over Isabella, in that he is relying on his â€Å"unsoiled name† to protect him from prosecution. The imagery of the â€Å"unsoiled† name implies that Angelo's power stems from his past reputation, in that no one would believe that he would be capable of succumbing to the same weaknesses as other's. This point is mirrored in the â€Å"Duchess of Malfi† in which the Cardinal places his power in his reputation as no one expects him to be a fornicator as his position supposedly attests to his morality. In conclusion, Isabella's conflict in the play has a deep moral centre. She wants to become a nun, but can only save her brother's life by surrendering her chastity to Angelo. When she says, â€Å"More than our brother is our chastity† I believe she is not being cruel or selfish, but trying very hard to adhere to an ingrained sense morality, and unlike many characters in the play, she sticks to her values and her faith; and this might seem foreign even to some Elizabethan audiences, as in some cases, representations of women of this time can be seen as being limited to idolised virgins, or sexual women who were often demonised as whores. So, because Isabella is not a perfect religious ideal, but as a woman with flaws who is placed in a difficult situation, and tries to achieve the best outcome; it is easy to respect her.